Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Short Shirt Phenomenon

Can some please explain to me why your shirts get shorter and shorter after you give birth?

If you have ever been pregnant, you know what I mean. The first time you try on some shirts that are NOT maternity, they all seem soooo much shorter on your waist than they were before you had your pregnant belly.

I realize that (a) my belly is still not back to it's normal position and (b) my boobs are huge. Both of which would account for the length on my shirts virtually disappearing before my eyes.

But . . . here is the kicker for me . . . these days I'm trying to wear shirts that I wore LAST time I was in post-maternity mode. These are the shirts I went out and bought because all of my non-maternity shirts were so short on me the last time around.

I thought for SURE these shirts would fit. They are part of my 'post maternity wardrobe' -- and they worked just fine when I purchased them two summers ago. I would understand if I was trying to wear shirts I wore last summer, when my body was in no-baby shape. But NO. These are shirts at least a size bigger than I'd wear in non-maternity days.

I tried on a couple of these post-maternity shirts today and was so aggravated. Shirt after shirt was just too short. What the &$#% ! Why are these shirts so short on me, too???!!!

Ugh. Sigh. I have nothing to wear. It's a good thing I am hanging around the house all day and have no where to go.


Anonymous said...

Try J. Crew. Their shirts are extra long- it's all I wear for that reason! :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow, this is you and you just had a baby last week???

The Cibulas said...

How funny! I can totally relate. After J was born I got rid of all of my shirts because I thought they were too short. It's crazy! Another friend that was pregnant around the time I was went through the same thing. It must be part of postpartum;)

Tiffany Payment said...

I am not looking forward to the after clothes....gross! I need to go shopping now!

Heather Dahlby said...

Ha ha! That is NOT me for sure! I wouldn't take a picture of my flabby belly right now if someone paid me a million dollars!!

Anonymous said...

This totally happened with my shirts too. SO WEIRD. And I still feel like many of them are shorter, almost 2 years later! But my height hasn't changed! How can this be?!