Sunday, June 1, 2008

Audrey Got Hitched

I love going to weddings.

Someone – a friend of Jim’s – once told me that he loved going to weddings. I thought that was kind of a funny statement. Not because he’s a guy, but I really hadn’t thought about how much fun weddings are.

Now I know what he means, and I cocur, 100%.

Last night, Jim and I attended the wedding of one of my college friends. It was a sorority reunion of sorts . . . maybe because the bride was so well liked by everyone or maybe because it has been a while since one in our group got married. I don’t care why so many people came . . . I’m just glad they did. It was great to see them all, and it was great to celebrate one of the last remaining single gals in my group of sorority sisters.

I love going to weddings because everyone is in a great mood. How could they not be? (Unless someone is jilted, of course – which I’ve personally never experienced.)

I love going to weddings because you get to eat tasty hors devours from silver trays being carried around by waiters and waitresses. That makes me feel all chic.

I love going to weddings because I love wedding dresses . . . both bride and bridesmaid. Never is a woman more beautiful than on her wedding day, in my opinion. I also love to see the men dressed up, too. For many of the guys, this is the most dressed up I will ever see them.

I love going to weddings because you see friends that you might not see too often – as in the major reunion we had last night. You catch up on lives and people that you might not think about very often . . . but people that, at one time in your life, were great friends. People you remember fondly and are always interested to hear about..

I love going to weddings for the cake. Seriously, I think about it for the entire day leading up to the event. Especially when I’m oh-so pregnant. Last night, I ate two pieces. Hey, don’t judge . . . I couldn’t drink.

I also love the post-wedding fun, last night being an exception. Usually after a wedding, the party continues at a bar near the reception site . . . and last night was no different . . . except for the fact that I’m (again) oh-so pregnant and couldn’t post-party down with the girls. (That’s OK . . . the reception itself was truly awesome and the music was fantastic, so Kate and I did a little dancing and wore ourselves out . . . we were too pooped to keep up the partying.)

I think most of all, I love weddings because I know how much effort goes into them . . . how much they mean to the families involved. It’s great to share in that excitement, and I mean that genuinely. I always feel lucky to be invited to a wedding because the invitation is such a kind gesture . . . it means they want you there to share in all of that joy and happiness. You don’t just invite anyone to a wedding. You invite those you really care about.

All weddings are great . . . but I do think my list of “I loves” really only applies to the weddings of friends. Family, coworkers, etc. . . . those weddings are different. The dynamics of those are unique, and they are fun in a different kind of way. Sometimes in a 'it’s-fun-to-see-you-cut-loose' kinda way (like maybe at your boss’s wedding) and sometimes in a 'I-remember-changing-your-diaper-and-now-you’re-married' kind of way (such as a sibling’s big day). I love those weddings too.

Enjoy a few photos from last night . . . the entire occasion was delightful. Truly beautiful. A wedding that did not disappoint, that is for sure. One that I felt honored to attend.

(We sing to the bride at weddings . . . it's usually just a small circle, but this time it was huge!)

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