Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hospital Update #1

Here is a quick update on our day so far, everything is going well.

7:15 - Call from the Hospital to come on in.

8:00 - We dropped off Meg with our friends the Brune's.

9:00 - Checked in to the Hospital

12:00 - Epideral in place and the Dr. broke Heather's water.

I'll be sure to update with more later.



Tiffany Payment said...

This is too difficult to sit back and wait for! Sheesh....where is the live video when you need it!

Hugs to you and Heather.....I'm waiting so unpatiently at this point!!!!!!!!!!

The Fokens Family said...

C'mon Kate...We're rooting for you...You can do it Heather!!