Sunday, February 15, 2009

For the Ones We Love

For me, Valentine's Day has not been a big deal since Jim and I celebrated our first together (back in 2002). I know how much he loves me . . . he knows how much I love him . . . so the romantic February holiday has passed us by for several years with little more than a fun treat or a bouquet of flowers.

(I'm sure the fact that Valentine's Day always follows closely behind Christmas AND both of our birthdays influences our lack luster efforts for this holiday. By February, there is not much left to give one another. Enough celebrating, already.)

But -- like every other holiday -- once you have kids, the celebrations change so very much.

I was very excited to have Valentine's Day with Meg and Kate this year. We didn't do anything super fancy . . . went out to lunch, made heart shaped cookies and cupcakes in the afternoon, and ordered a heart shaped pizza for dinner. The girls got Valentines from their grandparents . . . Jim got me some flowers, I treated him to some new clothes (which surprised him) . . . and we got some Valentine's books and stickers for the girls. It was nothing over the top, but we did take the opportunity to spend the entire day together and tell each other over and over how much we love one another.

And that's what Valentine's Day is about now . . . not candy or romance . . . but our family, and how much we love each other.

We videoed a lot of our day-o-love . . . and for a few of the ones we love out there -- here is a video for you.

(Doh!! I misspelled Tricia on the titles . . . geez . . . )

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