Monday, February 2, 2009

My Favorite Things

I'm no Oprah. But, I do have a few favorite things I'd like to share with you.

ColorWonder Markers, by Crayola

I think these were invented by some of the smartest people on earth. And they were most definitely parents.

These markers are heaven sent . . . I can let Meg go to town with them wherever and whenever. I don't have to sit there and cringe as each market cap comes off and the moist, uncovered tip wavers through the air (dangerously close to clothing or upholstery). My only worry is that Meg might start to think that all markers work this way . . . which could potentially backfire and leave me with quite a mess one day.

RSVP pens, by Pentel

My dad used to have this one pen he always used. I remember asking him as a young teenager, "Why do you always use that pen?" To me, half the fun of using pens was trying new colors and new styles. "I like the way it writes," was always my dad's answer. I had no idea what he meant.

Until I reached college and found my beloved RVSPs. They are smooth and fine point. They hardly ever 'run' -- and they have a nice grip for my thumb and index finger.

I like the way they write.

My Ionic Brush Hairdryer, by Conair

Nothing fancy. $20 at WalMart. But it dries my hair AND curls it under . . . which is now a MUST with the short hair style. No curling iron or straightener needed.

This thing -- plus the shorter hair -- has cut my 'getting ready' time in half. No kidding. 30 minutes from in the shower to out the door.

Diet Coke

Preferably from a fountain. Enough said.

Homemade Trail Mix

This is a recent obsession of ours around here. Meg came home from preschool raving about her snack . . . which had M&Ms . . . and I quickly whipped up a batch for her at home. Hey, if some mom is cool enough to make it and send it in for snack, I have to try and keep pace by making some at home.

Now we throw all kinds of things in our mix . . . dried cranberries, nuts, marshmallows . . . and Meg is always tickled to find what new treat is hiding in her trail mix. I highly recommend this snack treat for the two-and-older crowd . . . it's sure to please. And, you'll find yourself pouring yourself a cup for snack, too.

Viva Paper Towels

Kleenex makes a good product. These paper towels are ALWAYS my towel of choice, though sometimes they can be a bit pricey. They are like regular towels on a roll . . . soft and durable and just fantastic. No quicker picker upper for me. Viva la towels de paper! :)

The Target Dollar Bin

Another creation by a genius. Gets me every time.

Throw it in the cart, it's only a dollar . . . that thought adds probably $5 to each Target trip, especially if the bin is busting with seasonal items.

But honestly, who ever gets out of Target without a million things that you didn't know you needed, anyway? Target in general should go on this 'favorite things' list . . . you know you are bad when you ask your toddler, "What should we do today?" and the excited response is "Go to Target!"

A few more honorable mentions . . .

Craig Ferguson -- of The Late Late Show on CBS
Books by Wally Lamb
Wooden spoons from The Pampered Chef
Disney's new Tinker Bell movie
Expensive Jeans (though I only own one pair)
Britax car seats
Canon photography equipment -- I'm 100% Canon
Aveeno products -- for me and the girls
Micro-wrapped Baked Potatoes

There are probably a million others I can think of . . . but for now, this is my list. Feel free to share some of your favorite things . . . you never know what we might have in common.


Becky said...

I'm intrigued by the hair dryer. Must investigate. We second the Viva towel rec...completely agree!

Great list!

Keisha said...

You know, I started a favorite things list a few months back but never finished it. Now I'm inspired to finish/post mine! I promise to only copy one or two things from yours. ;)