Friday, October 5, 2007

The World of Television

Autumn is here. That means football, cool weather, pumpkins, costumes, turkeys . . . and the new fall line up on television.

Ahhh, TV. If only I could get myself off the computer long enough to actually watch it.

Around here, we are faithful watchers of NBC’s Thursday night line up. When I say we, I mean myself and the kitties . . . Jim usually is not home to watch these shows with us. He watches them on TIVO, usually late on Friday or Saturday night, once I’ve gone to bed. The kitties and I watch Earl when we can, we watch Grey’s on TIVO later in the weekend, I usually don’t miss ER . . . and we NEVER, ever miss The Office. In 5 words: The Best Show on TV.

I LOVE THE OFFICE. I think I can relate to it on so many levels because I worked as a salesperson in an office just like Dunder Mifflin Scranton. It was a small, satellite office with our headquarters in NYC. We sold ad space – the coupons in the Sunday newspaper – which was almost as trivial as being a paper middle-man, as they are at DM. We had a goofy boss and a host of characters in our office. Of course, it wasn’t as extreme as the boss and the characters in Scranton, but you get the idea. I love the humor and the storylines in The Office. I couldn’t wait for it to come back this fall.

Another thought for another blog: Jim and Pam – together or not together?

What leads us up to Thursday night? Well, only a few shows, really . . . it seems that there isn’t a whole lot that we watch as faithfully as our Thursday night programming. Monday is a dud – nothing on that holds my attention. I think Dancing w/the Stars is on that night . . . and I’ll get into that later in the fall when they news programs/entertainment shows start talking about it more. Yep, I’m a fair-weather DWTS fan. Tuesday . . . um, again, not much. Wednesday is Private Practice, which, for me, is as hokey and stupid as Grey’s Anatomy.

Yes – I said it – I think Grey’s is stupid. I think the story lines are already tired and the medical antics are way too unbelievable. Sorry, everyone. I still watch it because everyone else does . . . and on TIVO it’s only 40 wasted minutes of my life . . . but I really don’t like it.

Anyway, Wednesday also has a new show, Dirty Sexy Money. I kinda like that one. I got roped in to it when it followed Private Practice last week, and I actually think it could be a cute show. Only a couple of episodes have aired, so I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

Then there is, of course, Thursday . . . and once we’ve made it through the weekend (which, in our house, is full of kid TV, usually – oh, and golf and football, too), we are back to Sunday night. Sunday night has historically been an HBO night around here. This fall, their debut of Tell Me You Love Me has kept this ritual alive. I LOVE this new show. 4 episodes in, and I can’t wait for the next. It’s 100% a chick show – although somehow I’ve convinced Jim to watch it, too – and it’s so so good. It’s all about relationships among 4 different couples at different life stages . . . and only this week have the lives of those couples begun to intertwine. Nice. Love HBO. Love Tell Me You Love Me.

Not only is my own adult programming new, but so is Meg’s preschool TV. They have started running new episodes of Sesame Street on local public television, for which I am extremely grateful. I have found that I can only take the same episode so many times. They even have a newly “hip hopped” version of the Sesame Street theme. I’m still on the fence about that . . . the words are still the same, but the beat is jazzed up. Not so sure I like that change. And – one negative about the new chronicles of our friendly neighbors on the street – the Elmo’s World segments don’t seem to be new. Elmo is still talking about balls, the sky, skin, cats, dogs, and a million other topics we have seen a million other times. Come on, Sesame Street Workshop . . . can’t you get that puppet in the studio and get him to think about a few new topics?!

Television is great. Now if I can just keep Meg from watching as much of it as we do . . .

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