Thursday, October 18, 2007

When Masculinity Takes a Bow

Jim has a daughter. A beautiful, blue-eyed, strawberry blonde little girl that looks up to him in a way that I’m sure he could never have imagined.

We’d have a house FULL of girls, if I had anything to do with it. Ruffles and ribbons and bows strewn across all 3 floors of our house. Jim is not quite as committed to having more girls. Really, when we found we were expecting a girl in our first pregnancy, I think Jim was slightly disappointed . . . I think nearly every dad wants a son. But, he knew how excited I was to have a girl. He’s never looked back. He has embraced girlness and has been a fantastic sport about it.

There are lots of times in Jim’s future when his masculinity will have to take a bow. There will be tea parties. Dress up. Make up. High heels. One day, she’ll get her period. All of these are so feminine in nature, yet Jim will be right there with her all along the way, in uncharted territory.

Until just the other day, I have never thought of how hard that could be for him. How new and unnatural some if it might feel to him. After all, he’s a GUY. I look into our future and see a whole lot of things that I’ve already experienced . . . things I did as a little girl. Jim has no idea what’s coming. Sure – he has a sister – but a big brother and a dad are two very different things entirely. Jim has a new role to fill . . . and this one includes quite a bit of pink.

On Monday, on our we-missed-you-so-much-you-can-run-the-house evening with Meg, I noticed that he is having no problems adjusting to this new role. He sat on the floor and encouraged her as she brought every single baby doll she has to him, and together they piled them in his lap. He pointed out more and more dolls around the room, and one by one Meg brought them to her daddy. Then, she picked up a book and climbed in his lap . . . as if she’d brought the book over for the whole group to enjoy. It was so cute. Daddy, baby, and baby dolls . . . what a moment.

It was then that I realized how much he might not know yet. How much about being and having a girl that he will learn as our life continues. But, clearly he's learning already. I love it for him. I think it’s so awesome that he has a daughter so he can experience all of this. I love that Meg and I are right here to help and show him what being a girl is all about.

I love you, Jim. You’re a great dad, and I hope you know that Meg and I are so lucky to have you. Two very, very lucky girls.

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