Monday, October 15, 2007

Return of the Dahlb-i

We are back. We arrived in Atlanta at 12:30 this afternoon, and I had to wait about 45 minutes to get through customs and baggage recovery to see my little bean.

It's absolutely astounding how much I missed her. As soon as I saw her . . . as soon as I snatched her out of the car seat in the "active unloading" zone at the airport . . . I felt like all was right in the world. I used to get this super anxious excited feeling in my gut when I knew that I was going to see Jim . . . back when we were first dating (sorry, some of the magic does fade a little) . . . the butterflies and the whole thing. Today, waiting to see Meg, I got that same nervous excitement.

Once we got home, Jim and I spent the rest of our day gushing over her. We took her to the grocery store (which she loves), we let her climb all over us and the couches (another favorite), and we let her play outside for quite a while (again, a beloved activity). Tonight, I hopped in the bath tub with her for some mommy-baby fun, and she let me rock her to sleep as a thank you. I love that baby. I love being her mom.

The trip, of course, was brilliant. We lounged on the beach and drank fun drinks all day Friday. We rented the car (see previous post) on Saturday and toured the island as a pair. We took a catamaran out yesterday and snorkeled with sea turtles. It was a great getaway for Jim and I . . . much needed and much appreciated.

I do have to comment on one random act of coincidence. (That sounds redundant . . . I guess a coincidence is a random act, right?) I told Jim that I’d HAVE to blog about this one.

On the flight to Barbados, there was a couple just a few years older than Jim and I sitting directly behind us. There was some question as to whether or not they wanted to switch seats with another family so that the couple could be more comfortable in the bulk head and the family could all sit together. Then I heard the woman of the couple behind us say, “Well, I am pregnant . . .” Of course, I still feel a little twinge when I hear that. A twinge of jealousy, a twinge of sadness. But, I really wasn’t prepared for this.

When she switched seats, I saw her pregnant belly, and I sighed. It looked like about a 20-24 week belly . . . which is exactly how far along I should have been on this trip. Jim actually booked everything for our Barbados adventure and surprised me with this trip on the morning of our anniversary . . . it was positioned as a final getaway before we were a 2-kid family. I miscarried that afternoon. I should have been about half-way now. I should be finding out the sex in the next couple of weeks . . . and I should have had my maternity swim suit on this trip.

Anyway, the fact that the woman was pretty much on the same timing I should have been was so weird . . . like fate or something. I mentioned it to Jim after I sat there in my tiny little coach seat stewing about it (not mad stewing, more sulking, I guess), and Jim said he’d thought of that already. He knew I’d noticed. It was OK, though – I was not going to spend the whole vacation sulking about being without a pregnant belly. I was going to drink up and eat seafood . . . and anything else that I couldn’t enjoy prego. Silver lining, right?

Here comes the really random part. This morning, as I stood in line at CafĂ© Blue at the Barbados International Airport, I saw the same pregnant couple again. Yep. They were going to be on our flight home, too. THAT, I thought, is my luck. I turned around to find Jim – and he’d already seen them. He and I chatted about that coincidence over bagels and muffins. We boarded our plane, and they sat right in front of us this time. The were reading “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” and I listened as they discussed some of the woman’s maternity leave plans.

At the end of the flight, we chatted with them a little. I recommended a book about mothering. They told us they were having a girl. It was nice. THEY were nice. I wasn’t THAT jealous . . . happy for them, honestly . . . just thinking how weird it was that this couple – who really could have been Jim and I – were on BOTH of our flights to and from Barbados. They didn’t even live in Atlanta . . . they were just connecting both ways.

Maybe it wasn’t random. I’d love to believe that it was a sign. Only time will tell.

Our trip, although sprinkled with reminders of what could have been, was a wonderful first Megless trip. Barbados was grand. Now back to “real” life tomorrow . . . a fun-filled day with my precious little girl. At least Jim is staying in town this week. That is like a few more days of vacation in itself (for me, at least).

1 comment:

The Cibulas said...

Oh my goodness!!...I can't believe I forgot to ask you about your trip today..duh?? Sounds like a much needed vacation and a lot of fun! You will have to tell me more in person.