Wednesday, August 20, 2008

TAKE TWO . . .

Many apologies . . . after crashing into the Google storage space wall and evaluating our options, we (well, I) decided to buy some space from Google to keep the blog and my web albums going. After all, how could I possibly stop now?

Now where was I? Oh, yes . . . Kansas. We'd left Jim's home and made it safely to the Lake of the Ozarks for a few days in the sun . . .

We arrived at the lake house on Saturday afternoon, and Meg could not WAIT to jump in the water. It was a wonderful way to spend Saturday through Tuesday . . . lounging on the dock, swimming in the lake, and tooling around on the boat.

If those smiles don't tell you how much fun she had, I don't know what would.

I just thought this was funny . . . we called it the 'floating bar' . . . Meg, sucking down Apple Juice is the funniest part :)

Once we'd fed ducks at the petting zoo, Meg was super excited at the idea of feeding MORE ducks down at the lake. The trouble: we couldn't find any. We looked and looked, but they were nowhere to befound. Finally, on the 3rd day, we found ONE lonely duck outside of the restaurant where we docked the boat . . . and Meg was more than willing to feed him the moldy bread we'd been carrying around for days. One duck was all it took . . . that was enough to satisfy her need to 'feed the ducks a-jen' (again) as she says.

Kate was simply too little to go on the boat this year, so she spent a lot of time in the shade with Nana Dahlby. She was an excellent baby the whole trip -- what a trooper, really. Meg was always checking on her -- here she is, giving little sister a very wet hug after coming out of the water.

Our last morning on the lake was filled with water sports . . . skiing and an attempt at kneeboarding. I didn't participate . . . I was too worried about how sore I'd be the next day for our trip back to ATL. I know, I'm a party pooper. But when you have to be responsible for two kids on a plane, you think ahead and weigh your options.

The last day -- Wednesday -- and our trip home. Again, both girls were as good as gold on the plane and in the car. Whew . . . they might give me fits at home, but at least they travel well.

There were many more exciting events . . . cousin Audra and her family came to see us on Thursday, Jim's mom had a bunch of our friends over on Friday night, Great Grandma spent half of the trip with us . . . too much to blog about (and keep you interested in reading it all). We had a great time, and that's all there is too it.

We'll be back in Kansas again at Christmas, which seems all to far away. Our Kansas trips are always great . . . thanks again to the Dahlbys for making everything so wonderful.

1 comment:

Anne said...

Sounds like a great trip! I see you flew AirTran!! I wish I was still a flight attendant (quit in Jan) I could have taken you out there! Job security for Rich (he is a cpt. on the 717)! The pictures were great and I hope you relaxed as well!