Monday, August 11, 2008


So much to do. When you are looking down the barrel at a week long trip with two very young kids (and a plane ride to boot), it seems like you can never get everything done before you go.

Monday -- laundry and preliminary packing. I already have piles of my clothing, Kate's clothing, and Meg's clothing all over my bed. I have even started a pile of stuff for Jim on the floor next to the bed. Seven days away means seven outfits for each girl, at least 3 sets of jammies, plus some extra stuff in case of accidents. And panties and hair bows for Meg. And some bibs and burp cloths for Kate. Oh! And can't forget the goodie bag of things to keep Meg busy on the plane.

Tuesday -- a fun morning with friends, then off to Newnan to help Dad celebrate his 54th birthday. We are spending the night with my parents, so that means I need another bag packed for our overnight. I have piles of clothes for that event on my bed, too.

Wednesday -- spend the day with Grandaddy, then back home in the late afternoon. More laundry, finalize packing, and kiss my husband who will be home after a 2 day trip for work. TRY like hell to get to bed early.

Thursday -- 10:00 am flight. Forty mintues to the airport plus check in -- with 2 kids -- means we need to leave between 7:00-7:30 am. Wake up time for me (if I want to shower) is most likely 5:30 am. Looking forward to that already.

Once we GET to Kansas for our vacation, it will be great. There will be so many hands to help me with the girls, it will feel like an actual vacation. Jim's mom has planned a little party for us on Friday night, so many of Jim's friends will be coming over to see us before we head down to the family lake house on Saturday morning. Saturday through Tuesday will be spent at the lake, lying on the dock, cruising in the boat, and spending lots of time with family.

We return on Wednesday night, and Meg starts her 2 year old preschool on Thursday at 9:00 am. That meant that I had to run out this morning and get all the requested school supplies for her . . . wipes, markers, glue, the usual.

Of course, I got to Target this morning with BOTH girls and realized that I had left the supply list at home. Naturally. I frantically called another mom from Meg's class -- I was bound and determined to get this DONE before our trip -- only to find out that she was not home. Cringe, gulp, grit my teeth. I threw up my hands and tried to remember everything on the list. (Remember something? My brain is too filled with remembering the last time Meg peed or which boob I should use next to nurse Kate . . . I can't remember a list of school supplies!)

'Screw it.' I though to myself. 'We'll get most of it, I'm sure.' I did a good job -- only forgot one item. That might have to be dropped off sometime after the first day of school. (Oh, who am I kidding? I'll probably make a special trip out to pick it up late on Wednesday -- or make Jim stop and get it on his way home from the airport. I can't be the mom that didn't send in antibiotic wipes. What are those, anyway?)

And yes -- I did take Meg to the doctor this morning, amidst all of the packing and shopping. She's totally, 100% FINE. Well, at least I don't have to worry about THAT any more.

Wish me luck as I tackle this insane week. I am actually excited about all we have going on and all the places we are going. It's just the getting there that is the hard part.


Tiffany Payment said...

Hope you don't get to stressed out before and during the trip. I also hope you have such a wonderful time and get so many extra hands with the girls!

Will be thinking of you the whole time!

Becky said...

Have a fabulous trip!!! It sounds like it is going to be a great time. Can't wait for the recap!