Sunday, August 10, 2008

I Tell You What . . .

Jim is leaving in the morning. Tomorrow night and Tuesday night will be my first two nights alone with both girls. I'm nervous.

My dad's birthday is Wednesday. We are going to spend the entire day with him . . . fun of course, but I will be gone all day.

Why does that matter so much? We are leaving to go out of town to visit the midwestern Dahlbys on Thursday. I have so much to do to get two kids, my husband, and myself ready for the trip.

All of this is fine, really . . . I've known it was coming. I've mentally prepared myself for the week ahead.

But . . .

This morning, Meg woke up VERY late . . . sleeping longer than we've ever experienced. Red flags right away. By mid-day she had a fever. By tonight, she was pathetic. So tomorrow, we'll be going to the doctor.

I tell you what . . . it never, ever gets easier.


The Cibulas said...

Oh no! Are you still up for the playdate? If not, we can reschedule...we totally understand.

Anne said...

Hang in there! When it rains it poors! I will be thinking about you.