Wednesday, August 13, 2008

"Geez," is All I Can Say.

The fever Meg had on Sunday? That the doctor declared on Monday to be 'one of those things' and nothing to worry about?

As it turns out, it was the first stage of Fifth's Disease. The second stage -- the lovely RASH that broke out all over Meg's face -- came this morning.

"The good news is that once the rash breaks out, you aren't contagious any more," the doctor said confidently on the telephone this afternoon.

Of course. That's great news.

Too bad I hosted a playdate with FOUR OTHER CHILDREN at my house yesterday.

"Geez," is all I can say about the whole situation. I called my friends to tell them that we may have contiminated them. I feel just horrible about the entire thing. There was no way for me to know . . . I realize . . . but I still feel bad for exposing any kid to anything like this.

Why? Really . . . why? This week of all weeks? Oh -- probably because we have a million things going on and we are getting ready to fly to Kansas tomorrow. Things like this very rarely happen in a week when we don't have much going on. That would be too convenient.

They say that God doesn't give you more than you can handle, and I do believe that. I do. But, dude, that guy must think a lot of me if he knows that I can handle this much.

More from Kansas . . . when we are there in one piece with all of our kids . . . including the rashy one, who was given the OK to travel. After all, she's not contagious any more.


Zack, Jenn and William said...

Hey Heather! I was thinking of you today, and decided to google your name, hoping I'd find your blog. And I did!!! Your girls are beautiful, but I'm not at all surprised by that, considering who their mommy is :) Hope you're doing well.

Have fun in Kansas!
Jennifer (Chase) Dove

Tiffany Payment said...

As if you needed this to top it all off! Yikes girl! I hope your trip still goes well without any problems.

I'll be sending healing vibes your familys way!