Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Second 'First'

Meg started school last week. It's only 2-year-old preschool, and it's only two days a week . . . but still, we had to take pictures of the 'first day' for the baby books.

This was Meg's second 'first day of school' last Thursday, and a day that I was very much looking forward to. I enjoy the mornings when she is at school (Tues/Thurs this year) . . . I can't lie. But I can only enjoy my toddler-less mornings becuase I know she enjoys her mornings away. They play, do art, have music class . . . it's a genuine preschool with curriculum and everything . . . even at the 2-yr-old level. It's wonderful. It's a great fit for our family.

I wasn't as upset leaving her with her teacher this year because I knew she'd have a great time. I stayed only long enough to drop off the supplies (including the afore mentioned antibiotic wipes), then I left. I don't think Meg even noticed I was gone.

Okay . . . there were a few (fake) protests when we arrived in the classroom for that first day . . .

. . . but, all in all, Meg loves it.

She came home telling me all about what they did at school and who her friends were, which was very VERY different from last year. Last year, she was barely talking on the first day of school (signing more than anything at 15 mos), so I only knew what had gone on based on the note the teacher sent home. I was delighted this year to hear Meg tell me all about "The Wheels on the Bus" -- and then read her teachers note later to confirm that they had, in fact, read that story and sang that song. Such a big girl.

We are off to a great year. The second 'first day of school' is now officially under our belt.

Another second 'first' happened just this morning. Kate had her 2 month round of immunizations. It was my second 'first' round of shots as a mom. Last time -- with Meg -- I was incredibly upset when arriving for the appointment because I knew what was coming. Or, I guess maybe I didn't know what was coming, and that was what upset me. This time around, I know that they only cry for a minute . . . that the shots are quick . . . and that they recover very fast. Kate did just that. Momentary screams, then quickly to a nap once in the car. It was easy this time, my second time around as a mommy.

Kate weighed in this morning at 10lbs, 6oz and is now 22 in long. Still quite a peanut on the charts -- only 25th percentiles for weight and height. She is now as big as her big sister was at her ONE month appointment. My little Katy-did . . . tiny, but perfectly healthy. And that is all that matters.

(Incidentally, she is sleeping about 9 hours at night. Insane, I know. Last night she was out at 9:30pm and I woke her up at 7:45am so we could go to our appointment. I never knew that a baby could be so easy!)


Anonymous said...

Drew had his one month appt. last Friday. He weighs 12pounds, 2.5ounces, and he is 23 1/2 inches long!!! 99th percentile in both...! Way different from my 15-25th percentile girls.


Mandi said...

Awww, she's such a sweet heart! My boys had their first official day of "school" yesterday and it was SUCH a crazy (and nearly disastrous) morning I completely forgot to take their pictures! And my husband took them today, so I'll hopefully get the photos tomorrow ;-) Doesn't it make you feel so much better knowing they are loving where they're at? My boys LOVE their "school" (it's a childcare within the school I attend, in fact their childcare is in the building that all my classes are in, so I am totally loving that).

And I just had to "awww" at your Katy! She IS a peanut, I love it! What a cutie pie! Your girls are so precious!

The Cibulas said...

I love the "protest" shot. I can only imagine what J is going to do on his first day which is next Friday!