Friday, September 21, 2007

Kitchen is Komplete (and Other News)

Today, the kitchen is complete. Yes, there will be no more people in and out to mess up the floors and prevent me from going about life as usual. No more meals out. No more feeding Meg in the living room (thank goodness). And, no more waiting. I feel like celebrating . . . with a dinner at HOME!

Here it is, freshly tiled . . .

If you don't like it, don't tell me! I like it a lot -- Jim hasn't seen it yet -- I hope he likes it, too.

In other news . . . I got my period! Yes, for one time in the past 3 years, I am acutally excited about that. I'm thrilled, really. It means we can start again . . . that we can try for baby # 3 and start to move on. I'm just so happy it didn't take a million years . . . sometimes my body is like that . . . but this cycle was only 35 days, so no complaints from me. If this is TMI, forgive me -- it's a big deal for today, so I wanted to "blog it."

It's funny . . . whenever I mention the miscarraige to a friend -- just in passing conversation -- I'm always met with a really sad face. Usually, "I know, I'm so sorry . . ." with a tilted head and a scrunged up nose . . . you know the look. I hope you all don't think I'm soliciting sorrow with my comments. I'm just the kind of person that talks about it when it's a part of the conversation . . . it was what it was, and I can't act like it didn't happen. Being pregnant in July and August was a big part of our summer . . . and it caused things to change in our plans for the next few months . . . so every now and again it comes up. Sorry everyone -- don't mean to freak you out when I mention "it" -- but you don't have to worry. We are moving on and trying again.

Happy Weekend, Everyone. My cousin-in-law blogged last week about how much she loves Friday nights because the week is behind you and the weekend is still to come. I love that thought -- everyone put up his/her feet enjoy Friday night!


Becky said...

Oh wow! The backsplash makes a huge difference. Everything looks wonderful. Congratulations on being able to cook again :)

Heather Dahlby said...

Yeah -- we like it a lot! Today I was able to get in and CLEAN the kitchen . . . something else I've been wanting to do forever. Now we can cook and clean -- life is getting back to normal.

Anonymous said...

I love the backsplash! It reminds me of our old home in Virginia, we had yellow walls and white cabiets and appliances. ;-) A happy kitchen!

Heather Dahlby said...

I kinda wish we had black appliances, now that all the stuff is in . . . but, the dishwasher is brand new, and so is the stove/micorwave . . . so WHITE it will be for many years to come! :)