Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another Day in Paradise

We are staying home again today because Meg is still not well. After discussing her symptoms with my on-call doctor (AKA: my really awesome, experienced-mom friend with an older kid), it appears that Meg may have Rotavirus. I’ve looked it up on numerous websites because, as you know, all of the best medical advice can be found there. What I read seems to describe our situation to a T. The one thing that totally baffles me – we had a vaccine for this! It appears that the vaccine has lighted her case, but still . . . why get a shot if you have to deal with it, anyway?!

So, another day in paradise. I haven’t been out of the house since Sunday. Dude, I haven’t even put on shoes. I did hang some pictures, do laundry, and clean the kitchen floor during Meg’s naps, but not much else has been going on. It’s been kinda nice to just rest and love on her.

In other news from paradise, the counters are not quite right. Yes, the look beautiful, but there are few details that need to be fixed. I HATE dealing with stuff like this. I already called the countertop people yesterday . . . like 4 times with different questions/issues . . . until they were pretty much like, “We can’t fix it today, so at least give us until tomorrow.” I feel like a nag. I don’t know if I’m being too picky. Oh well . . . we spent a holy-ton on these counters, so I want them to be right. Then, poor Jim . . . he came home last night and was even pickier than I was . . . and I got all mad about it . . . so we were arguing about the counters until we went to bed. This is not cool! Ah, the joys of being a home owner.

More updates later . . .


Becky said...

AHHH!!! I really hope it's NOT Rotavirus. It is super, super, super contagious so wash your hands until they are prunes. When J got it we ALL (yes, even Nanny and PopPop) got it -- at Thanksgiving.

Ah yes, the glamourous side of parenting :) Hang in there and get well soon, Meg!

The Cibulas said...

I hope Meg is feeling better soon! I am looking forward to she and Jack meeting.

Anonymous said...

I got rotavirus from Kindergarten two weeks ago. It's lovely, as you well know! :-(
Tell Meg she's in good company! It's the very "now" virus to have.

Heather Dahlby said...

Thanks, everyone -- I'm posting this comment in Monday -- the one week mark. She's a bit better, but still not eating much!