Tuesday, September 25, 2007

15 Months

Meg turned 15 months old last week, as was noted in the blog from Friday. This morning, we went to the doctor for her 15 month check-up . . . which, honestly, I didn’t even know we had to do until the 12 month check up. Not much has changed – as far as growth, etc – but she had to get a 15 month round of shots, so off we went to see Dr. Grey.

Yes, our doctor is Dr. Grey. She’s a woman, but I don’t think she’s sleeping with any of the “attendings” . . . she’s a warm, friendly, middle aged mom who takes great care of us. And there is no slipping into a closet to get freaky with her associate, Dr. Ho, or any of the nurses. Seriously.

Anyway, jokes aside, we love our doctor. I remember when we were looking for a pediatrician as parents-to-be, I was totally clueless about what I was actually looking FOR. I was lucky enough to be working at an elementary school – which is a haven for pediatrician recommendations, as you can imagine. I got a few, called around, and met with our friends at Sandy Plains Pediatrics (free plug!). They were very willing to meet with us, they offered us tons of information, they were affiliated with Northside hospital, and they were close to our house. Jim and I left saying to one another, “Well, sounds good to me. I guess we can take ‘finding a doctor’ of the pre-baby to-do list.”

I think we were just lucky to get a great doctor and a great pediatric office. I’ve heard from some of my friends that they haven’t had the best peds . . . that they are impatient, always behind schedule, can’t fit you in, not very caring or kind. Dr. Grey and her associates are the opposite of that. Dr Grey always listens to ALL of my questions – and I usually come in with a list. She’s patient, funny, and HONEST. Honesty is key – it makes me feel like she really cares about us. She is not afraid to tell me what I should NOT be doing (like going get Meg when she’s crying at 5:30 am or feeding her more than 6 oz of juice a day), and she’s always telling me what she does at a mom to her own kids. I love the honesty. I also love that her nurses always call me back within an hour of any message I leave. Awesome.

Dr Grey has never been wrong. She told me to leave Meg in bed in the early am, and she’d go back to sleep. I tried it – it totally worked. She told me to keep giving Meg milk, and eventually she’d learn to like it . . . which was also true (and, really, pretty basic advice, but I needed it at the time!). She told me that I decide WHAT Meg eats, and Meg decides how much – key words that I’ve passed along. She told us Meg probably had a hemangeoma on her eye and recommended a fabulous doctor for us to see. She was right again, and the doctor we saw was awesome.

Having a good doctor is just a fabulous feeling, when you really think about it. I think I’ve taken it for granted. I am always comfortable with her thoughts and opinions . . . which makes me worry less about Meg’s health. I know she’s in good hands.

For a first time mom, I think I’m pretty calm about all issues related to Meg’s health. Now, when I think about it, it’s probably because we found such good care for her. Thank you, Dr Grey! Seriously.

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