Tuesday, April 7, 2009

When it Rains, it Pours

Ants invaded our kitchen pantry late last week . . . their wrath carried through until the weekend. They were everywhere . . . and they lingered for days and days before we were rid of them. Only yesterday was I finally able to get the entire contents of my pantry OFF of my kitchen counters and back to their rightful places. I HATE ants.

Kate got her first tooth today. It's great and such a big day . . . and we certainly knew it was coming with all the poopy pants, crabbiness, drooling, hand-in-mouth, and snotty nose symptoms that have hung around the house since late last week. Everyone knows how much fun a teething baby can be, don't they?

I rear ended someone today on the way to visit my dad in the hospital. Someone was making a right turn in front of me . . . but they decided at the last second NOT go to. I, on the other hand, decided to go on anyway and ran into the back of a white truck. No damage to the other car -- he didn't even want my number or anything. Good thing -- I figured out after returning to my car that I didn't even have my wallet with me. The Tahoe did not escape the incident unscathed -- it now has a totally banged up bumper.

Meg pooped in her pants this afternoon. Thank GOD I didn't have to deal with that. Jim was home with her when it happened . . . she was just so busy playing "Post Office" she didn't want to stop and potty. This is the second accident in a week. UGH. NINE months into potty training, and this still happens?

While visiting my dad today, the doctors came in and said he will be going home -- at the earliest -- on Saturday. I hate that for him. He's so itching to get out of there. Four more days. Four more long days for him. He's hanging in there -- the doctors are very happy with his progress -- but I could tell he was very bummed to hear the news about his longer-than-planned hospital stay.

When it rains, it pours.

PS -- Please don't ask me about the fender-bender. I'm totally embarrassed about the whole thing. Trust me, it's not that big of a deal. The car will heal . . . not on it's own, of course, but we'll get it taken care of. I just feel so stupid . . . I don't need any comments on that to make me feel worse!

1 comment:

Heather Harvell said...

Hey Heather. So glad to hear your dad's surgery went well. I have been thinking of you!
Don't worry Kathleen has been potty trained forever now and had 3 accidents last week too! I think we will deal with it all summer when they are playing outside and don't want to stop!

I wish I could help babysit so you could see your dad. I hate that you are so far away.