Friday, April 3, 2009

Favorite Photo Friday

Dad and the girls, March 17 2009, Marietta GA

Hangin' in there . . . Dad is hopefully being moved from ICU to a 'regular' room today. I'm not too confident that will happen, but we'll see. He's doing as well as the doctors could hope for, but he just needs a lot of care . . . he's got suction for his mouth and chest, meds, some swelling in his neck, and they have to try and move him to see some oncology specialists for some kinda scan before the radiation treatments start Monday. Just seems like a lot for a 'regular' nurse to handle when he's out of ICU. But here's hoping . . . the move from ICU to a room is one step closer to being home.

The stress has manifested itself in me by making me sooooo tired. I'm exhausted. When I get home from my visits with him, I just feel worn out all over. I've been bad about returning phone calls and emails because I'm just too tired when I have the time to do it. Forgive me . . . I'll get back on track here in another few days.

Have a great weekend, everyone. We will be at the hospital for most of it, so continue to pray for our family.


Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

Thinking about you all!

Keisha said...

Let me know if you need anything, now or next week.