Sunday, April 5, 2009

Meg & OCD

We've joked about it . . . our Type A, Super First Born Meg can be quite obsessive and compulsive at times. Don't you dare put her milk cup in the wrong spot on her placemat, and heaven help you if you try to comb her hair before putting her jammies on. The kid is particular, and it's exhausting. We wonder if maybe she'll grow up and be diagnosed with OCD . . . or maybe just as a tight a$$.

Case in Point: This afternoon's Easter Egg Hunt.

Meg and I enjoyed an adorable birthday party/egg hunt this lovely spring afternoon. As the hunt began, Meg was handed a cute pail to collect her goodies. Lucky for Meg, the pail was a bright and cheery yellow . . . just like her dress.

"Mommy! My bucket matches my dress!" she exclaimed. And happily -- pail in hand -- she went about collecting what seemed to be dozens and dozens of eggs scattered all about the yard.

After she collected for a while, she returned to me . . . and I noticed something about her pail. I noticed it right away, honestly. EVERY egg in the freakin' yellow pail was -- you guessed it -- YELLOW. There were millions of colored eggs, but Meg had stratigically picked out only yellow ones.

Yellow dress. Yellow pail. Yellow eggs. Hmmmm . . . a little particular? Type A? YES and yes.

What am I in for as this child ages? Oh . . . don't I know what I'm in for . . . this child is just like me. It's the revenge every parents wishes on a kid like me. I got one JUST LIKE ME. Good God, it's scary.


Becky said...

Oh I so hear you! Zoey is the same way - a little mini me when it comes to organizing, etc! Glad I'm not the only one ;) And wish I could help out w/ the babysitting!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

I think that is hilarious! If MM is like me she'll be the kid who doesn't give a flip (I would run for egg after egg while they kept falling out of my basket and I was in la-la land and didn't know). I'm going into Atlanta on Friday to meet my best friend for lunch and could watch your girls if you need someone that day in the afternoon (from 1pm - on). Just let me know!