Tuesday, April 21, 2009

At the Neighborhood Park

Kate is now getting to where she really enjoys going to the park. As seen on my 'Favorite Photo Friday' last week, she loves to swing. She's totally mobile . . . crawling, standing, cruising . . . so the play equipment is now becoming more and more entertaining for little sister. It's really a lot of fun to take the girls to the park on these nice spring days were are having around here.

Yesterday, Kate and I were playing in a tunnel on our neighborhood playground. She would peek-a-boo at me, then laugh out loud. It was a great little game, and I was enjoying my time with my baby. Meg was wandering around while we played . . . she can handle the playscape at our neighborhood park, so I don't feel that I have to watch her like a hawk as I once did. She's getting so very good at playing alone . . . make believe, etc. She's getting so big.

Then again, maybe I should pay a little more attention to Meg. Look where I found her -- when I turned away from Kate to make sure everything was OK with big sister . . .

It's laugh out loud funny, I know. I also know Meg will probably kill me later in life for posting this picture of her.

We take our 'travel' potty to the neighborhood playground because there is no open bathroom close by. I always throw the pink potty and some wipes under the stroller . . . just in case Meg gets the urge. Guess she got the urge yesterday . . . and without even saying one word to me, she went to the stroller, whipped out the potty, pulled down her pants, and took care of business.

Right in the middle of the sidewalk!

Yes, people saw her. A neighbor walked by with her dog and praised Meg for being such a big girl and going potty all by herself. I was mortified. I didn't raise my kid to be publicly indecent at age two!

Oh, Meg. What are we going to do with you?


Heather Dahlby said...

I just read my own blog and laughed. Oh MEG!

Jen O'Daniel said...

HAHAHA! That is absolutely hilarious and TOO CUTE! I love the little expression on her face, too... Great photo op!

The Pulaskis said...

I love it....only a parent could find the humor! When you gotta go....you goota go!
Hope we can see you guys when you come to Charleston in May.


The Cibulas said...

That is beyond hilarious...LOVE IT!!!

Karen Baker said...

PRICELESS!! I just laughed out loud at my computer!!

Natalie at Our Old Southern House said...

Oh, that is fabulous--I LOVE IT!

Kelly Paynter said...

Hey, I'm just impressed with her "potty prowess!" We're going to do "Potty Boot Camp" this summer with Claudia!

Tiffany Payment said...

hahahahahahha...oh Meg!