Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Voting Day

I voted today. I think you know who I voted for, so that isn't really worth discussing at this point. What is worth discussing is how this election is shaping up to be as 'monumental' as the media has hyped it to be.

This was the line at the Cobb County Elections Office at 9:45 this morning . . . ONE MONTH before the official election day and one month into the 'early voting' period that our county allows:

I waited in line for over one hour. I'm not kidding.

I was totally amazed at that . . . that there were SO many people at the election office to cast their ballots and ensure their vote was counted. You don't have to have any particular reason to vote early -- our county allows it for anyone who wants to take advantage of it. THAT many people want to vote early . . . maybe they are busy on 11/4, or maybe they are a mom like me. It doesn't matter. ALL of those people wanted to be sure they got to vote for who they'd like to run our country.

The last time I early-voted, I walked right in, voted, and left. Today . . . not so much. I stood in line with two very nice grandparents that helped me entertain Kate during the longer-than-anticipated wait.

Once in the elections office, I used the computer voting machines, and this is the first time I can recall using them. I've voted in every presidental election since I was 18 (this being my 4th) . . . but I can't remember ever having to use the computers before. I now have a better appreciation for why so many elderly and computer illiterate people complain about them. They aren't exactly difficult, but you do have to concentrate and make sure you are telling the computer exactly how you want to vote. If I didn't use computers regularly, I can see where confusion could come in. And, it's a little freaky when you push the "CAST BALLOT" button . . . that seals your votes and cannot be 'undone' if any mistakes were made.

No mistakes for me. I double and triple checked my ballot. There were no "O apostrophes" on the bill, so I pushed CAST BALLOT and left with a grin.

All in all, it was a good experience. It was a beautiful morning to stand in line, so I can't compain about that. Kate slept for 50 of the 60 minutes I was there, so that made it a lot easier on me (Meg was at preschool). I am glad that I 'prevoted' -- it's done, I voted, and now I can sit back and listen to the news about the record number of voters turning on four weeks from today.

Take Heed, My Friends: if you can vote early, do it!


Anonymous said...

Although your vote is already cast... I think you might want to read this:


Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for the info! It's great that so many people are getting out early and voting. I hate when people do not vote at all (these are usually the people who complain the most about who was voted in!) I'm planning on voting absentee, so I better call to get my ballot first thing tomorrow. My kids do not have school on election day and the last thing I want to do is drag them along with me to wait in a loooong line. p.s. I'm voting the same way as you!!

Hope things are OK with your in-laws. :)

Anonymous said...

No comment on voting; just wanted to say I LOVE the second picture of Kate (her smiling w/ the voting sticker). Sooo adorable!

The Cibulas said...

ugh! If it was that bad yesterday, can you imagine what 11/4 will be like? Maybe I should get out early too. Can I do it anyday?