Saturday, October 25, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday, Week 8

Claudia, Marietta GA, October 25, 2008

I think it's funny how much our lives have changed . . . not just in big, monumental ways, but in little ways. Five years ago, our weekends were spent at wedding showers or at actual weddings. At least once a month, we attended one or the other. Then, for a while, it was a plethera of baby showers. Babies galore among us and our friends . . . Meg being one of the first, then Kate being one of the most recent.

Now-a-days, there is still the occassional wedding. And baby showers are certainly not yet a thing of the past. But one event seems to dominate our weekends as of late . . . birthday parties.

Above is from a party we had the pleasure of enjoying this weekend. The darling Claudia turned two, and we all celebrated in style with a UGA themed party and a oh-so-fun bouncey-house. (Actually, this weekend we were 'double booked' with parties . . . but we couldn't make it to both . . . after all, there is only so much cake our two-year-old can handle in one day.)

Presents were opened, just like at the other types of affairs we once enjoyed. Cake was had . . . there was even some fun champagne to liven up the party. So there wasn't talk of an upcoming wedding or a pending due date . . . there was still a lot of fun and laughter enjoyed by everyone. We celebrated Claudia, which is totally worth the celebration.

Like Johnson & Johnson says, "Having a baby changes everything."

(And YES, I realize I'm posting favorite photo on Saturday . . . I was sick Thursday and Friday, so I got a little behind. Feeling a little better today.)

1 comment:

Keisha said...

Is that Kelly's Claudia? She's so cute!! And I can't believe she's already two?!!