Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Sunday

(Note: I haven't forgotten about 'A Roof Over Our Heads, Part II' -- I just haven't had a chance to get a new picture. It's done, it's great, and we are happy with the new roof. I'll get a picture up this week for sure.)

This morning, both girls slept in . . . right on until about 8 am. And it's a good thing they did. We had an action packed day planned for our family, so much rest was needed to tackle all the fun.

Actually, we only had about 1/2 of an action packed day planned. The rest just happened. And those make for the best adventures, don't they?

I had heard about Pettit Creek Farms when at the North GA State Fair a few weeks ago . . . a fun animal-filled 'educational center' about 30 minutes north of our house. I had discovered that they were hosting a Fall Festival this weekend . . . their pumpkin patch was to be awesome, craft and knick-knack vendors, a petting zoo, kid-friendly activities . . . it sounded great. Even a hayride for all ages! All just a 1/2 hour away! $3.00 per person --who could beat it? We were psyched, so we packed up and headed out to arrive as they opened at 11am. (Got to beat the crowd, of course!)

If you can't tell from my sarcastic and cynical description . . . it wasn't all we hoped it to be. Don't get me wrong -- we did have fun. They had a petting zoo with goats . . . but poor Meg has fed so many goats recently, they really don't 'do it' for her these days. They had a big ole' turtle and a zebra . . . both of which were a bit more exciting to my toddler than the plethora of goats and horses.

Kids activities? A few bouncy houses. Crafts? A couple of tables full of (sorry in advance to those who worked so hard to make it) junk. The pumpkins? Oh, how pitiful. The hayride? Well, Meg did feed a camel . . . but the rest of the $4.00 per person 5 minute loop left a lot to be desired (and a whole lot of hay in my shoes).

We left after about 2 hours . . . 25 minutes of which I had spent feeding Kate and 20 minutes of which we had spent attempting to take a family picture. Jim and I were both disappointed. But, Meg had a great time, so that was all that really mattered. (Kate enjoyed the stroller and a nap, so no complaints from her, either.)

"What did you think?" Jim asked as we drove away.
"Not what I had in mind . . . but OK," I said.
"Well, what did you want?" my loving husband inquired, not knowing what he was really asking.
"A BIG pumpkin patch . . . the pumpkins were supposed to be the highlight. At least for me, they were." I replied. "I've heard of this place called Burt's something-or-other . . . I don't know where it is . . ."

Jim loves me. He knew what I wanted. I wanted a pumpkin patch for picture taking. I wanted to let Meg run through a sea of orange and enjoy one of fall's loveliest features. I wanted to adorne Kate with a pumpkin hat and carry her through the patches. I didn't want a petting zoo and some bouncy houses . . . pumpkins, and nothing by pumpkins, were what I craved.

Jim quickly looked up Burt’s Farm on his cell phone Internet. I hate that stupid, complicated thing most of the time -- but today it was quite useful. We found the information about the farm, and it was exactly what I had wished for when I thought of a pumpkin patch. And it was exactly an hour from where we were.

It was 1:30pm. Meg and Kate were asleep in the back of the car. Nobody had had lunch, but everyone had just snacked around noon.

"I'm game if you are," Jim said.

And so we went . . . one hour further from our house . . . with our two kids . . . to the dreamland of pumpkin patches.

To Be Continued . . .


Becky said...

Ah yea, Burt's with the creepy talking pumpkins :) We are headed there next Sunday.

Keisha said...

I could have warned you about Pettitt Creek Farms. It wasn't all I thought it would be either. Wish we could go to Burt's ... maybe this weekend ...