Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Roof Over Our Heads, Part I

We're getting a new roof. A shiny, beautiful new roof . . . 'estate gray' and architecheral (sp?) shingles. I cannot WAIT to see the finished product!

And one of the best parts? It's 'free' . . . well, covered by insurance, anyway. I blogged about a terrible, horrible storm that we experienced in early March of this year . . . and it turns out that we had significant hail damage as a result of that storm. Jim investigated . . . and turns out we can get a new, 30 year, lovely roof at almost no cost to us. Hooray for insurance. (And here's to hoping they don't do something like DROP us because we actually made a claim!)

The process of getting the new roof, however, is a bit of a pain. We prepared earlier in the week by moving everything away from the house to avoid damage from flying shingles. We agonized over the color shingle we wanted. The girls and I had to flee to Newnan to escape the 2 days worth of pounding and pandemonium that a new roof causes.

Still, I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'll be sure to post before and after once it's all done (tomorrow, hopefully).

Of course, it hasn't rained in WEEKS around here -- literally, weeks -- and it rained yesterday and today. Go figure. It's kinda hard to put on a new roof in the rain. But the roofers say that they are on schedule, meaning that tomorrow night we'll snuggle into bed with a brand new roof over our heads.

Part II to follow . . .

1 comment:

The Cibulas said...

We got one on our old house the same way. Too bad we didn't stay around long enough to enjoy it!