Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Friends

Back in April, I blogged about a time when Meg was being a total PAIN after returning from a long stay with Grandaddy and Nana. She was driving me batty, and my friends were there to help me through a really tough week. My friends gave me parenting advice, invited us over for play dates . . . and just listened to my ranting. I won't forget that week.

Nor can I ever forget this time in my life, and how my friends have been there for me in ways I could have never imagined.

In case you haven't been able to tell, the last two weeks have been particularly hard as our family adjusts to having TWO beautiful girls. I almost feel like we hit a wall. It's like Meg and I both realized what's really going on around here . . . that nothing is ever going to be the same . . . and neither of us are quite sure how to handle it. Meg is handling it by acting out and misbehaving. I'm handling it by bitching at Jim nonstop, crying, and walking around in a daze. I think we both need to find better ways to cope.

My friends, you've noticed. You've responded. You are all amazing.

Some of you have called/emailed to check on me (more than once). You have let me go on and ON about how hard I think life has become . . . and how I feel like if I can just hold on until Christmas, things will get better. If you've been in my shoes (Keisha, Tricia, and Kristy), you are my rocks . . . the ones that I look to when I really need to hear, "You will make it." If you are currently IN my shoes (Mary Evelyn and Heather), you and I have commiserated together, providing undeniable support and kindness. And if you aren't exactly where I am (Erica, Paula, Becky, Mauri, Erin, Kelly, and Angela), you have still made me feel better by pointing out my strengths and complimenting me on the way I am handing it all.

You all have made me feel better. Like it's human to feel this way. Like I'm actually doing something right.

Some of you have come to play or invited us to play at your house . . . a much needed outlet and much, MUCH needed adult time. Thank you to each of you that we've seen these past couple of weeks. You all have heard me out and helped me out.

The offers to watch Meg for me are fantastic . . . and I do want to take people up on those, when the time is right. The child is so bored around here . . . I'd be happy to let someone take her for an afternoon and give her the attention she so desperately needs and wants.

I could go on and on about you, my friends.

But really, what I want to say is THANK YOU. Thank you for noticing. Thank you for being my friends. I hope I can repay you all in some way . . . some day when life around here begins to feel more normal.


Tiffany Payment said...

I wish I was closer!!! :( I'm sorry I haven't been around much, life is super busy over here. I will have my own adjusting to do very, very soon! I wonder if 3-4 is that big of a jump? Hmm...

Remember that your girls know they are loved, it's just a new time to test mommy and see how far she bends. Stay confident and strong and say "I love you" a thousand times a day. It most definately gets easier. You find ways to adjust and change and things have their own way of working out!

Think of you all everyday!

Anonymous said...

You are doing a wonderful job managing life right now! You have 2 amazing little girls who are so sweet and pleasant to be around. Keep up the hard work!!!