Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Some Days are MUCH Longer Than Others

When I heard the garage door open at about 5:45 yesterday evening, I felt a huge sense of relief. I nearly cried. Jim was home, and I finally had some help.

I know that I signed up for two kids. And I love them both to the moon. But yesterday, I might have given away one (or both) of them for little (or no) money. Some days are just much longer than others.

Neither of my girls are doing anything that is uncharacteristic of their age or temperament. Nothing is wrong. It's just a lot of clashing 'phases' that are totally and completely wearing Mommy out.

Meg is a very typical two year old. We ventured to the grocery store Tuesday morning, and we had a BIG pep talk about good behavior before we left. We discussed how when we go to the store now, Mommy can't chase Meg all over. If she wants to walk through the store, she MUST be a big girl and an excellent listener. One slip, and she's riding in the cart. She was pretty good, I'll admit. But there was crying when we had to leave our new ball in the car (I'm definitely NOT chasing a two year old AND a ball through Publix). Then there was some game-playing when selecting bananas . . . which did land her in the cart seat. The trouble with Meg is -- she doesn't really mind punishment. She seemed content to ride in the cart -- even though that was supposed to be her consequence for misbehaving.

**Side note -- Time Out is working as our punishment-of-choice, but only when I have to raise my voice at Meg. She knows where it is and goes almost willingly . . . even if she hasn't done anything wrong. I don't know what to do about that, but that is an issue for another day. I can only handle so much at once.**

The return home from the store started Kate on a crying fit that seemed to last and last. She cried for the 15 minutes it took us to run through the bank drive-thru, the entire time I was bringing in groceries, and about 5 minutes after I finally was able to pick her up. The kid seems to cry . . . a lot. It's become more than just the evening fussiness. Yesterday, I decided I would try to feed her more often . . . anything to try and keep her happy. Maybe she was no longer my 3-hour girl . . . maybe she was extra hungry? Anything was worth a try. The nursing certainly helped (and didn't end up coming back up all over my living room), so I kept up with it today. Hopefully this crying stage won't last much longer. Yesterday was a really long day for Kate, the town crier (today, thank goodness, was better).

I talked to Jim about it all after he got home last night . . . over a glass of wine as he bounced Kate around and Meg watched TV again (TOO much lately, I know). I know that there is nothing that I can do about these types of days . . . and, right now, they are pretty frequent. I realize this is my life. I'm a stay-at-home mom of two. So my baby cries? I shouldn't complain. This what I do.

It's just that it all kinda sucks right now, this job I signed up for. This week, at least. These weeks will come and go. Next week you'll probably hear me raving about my kids. At least, I hope so -- that would give me something to look forward to next week.

Everything is OK. Just hard -- but still, we are making it. One day at a time.

Yesterday was a long, long day. Today was a bit better. Let's hope Thursday is a home run (remember -- Thursdays are usually my favorite day of the week!).


Tiffany Payment said...

Oh do I ever know what you are talking about!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What are you going to do when #3 arrives?! AAAAACK! :-)

The Cibulas said...

Sounds like my life 15 months ago...a never ending screaming baby minus the toddler. Do you see why Im so scared to have #2? The great news is that this will pass and you will have a wonderful loving baby girl. Let me know if I can do anything:)

Twinkletoes said...

I completely recall what you are going through! My kids are two years and three days apart and I have to say - the most difficult points (for us) were when the baby became mobile (and touched thr toddler's toys) and now (4 and 2) b/c she instigates him. NONSTOP. But like with everything else, and as you essentially put it - this is the job we have and it will get better. It is only human to get frustrated and run down at points - especially when you are sleep deprived. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Girl, let me give you a big virtual hug!!!! I understand completely what you are going through. And I wish I could say it would get easier before it gets harder. But just think, we'll be looking back in 18 years with our empty-nest-syndrome and wishing we had these days back! XOXOX