Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Jim's mom and grandmother arrived from Iowa last night . . . they had a long LONG travel day, complete with multiple hour delays and lost luggage. We were all relieved to finally have them HERE when they arrived after 12 hours in transit.

It was a quiet day here, everyone resting and relaxing. We've spent quite a bit of time talking about Grandpa Gene . . . about the funeral, the wonderful things that people did to show their love for such a fantastic man. Grandma wrote nearly 300 thank yous for the flowers, food, and money that people sent in the days following Gene's death. So much money is being donated to their local library in Gene's name . . . he was an avid reader, so library donations are the perfect tribute to him.

It's been a bit sad. But also quite happy at times. Having both Jim's mom and grandma here -- where they can get away from it all -- has been really great for everyone. I'm glad we can spend this time with them. I'm glad we can provide the escape. The girls were all that Paulette, Jim's mom, needed to perk her up. I guess grandkids can do that to you.

It's going to be a nice visit . . . not exactly what we had in mind when we planned it several months back, but very nice, just the same.

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