Friday, July 18, 2008


Have you watched it?

I'm a sucker for medical shows . . . ER is still (after a million seasons) on my 'must watch' list, and I was a big fan of Grey's Anatomy in the first couple of seasons (it's gone off the deep end, in my opinion . . . but I still like the medical parts). I love documentaries about medical stuff . . . disease, infection, addiction . . . it sucks me in. Something about seeing ailments that others must endure. I don't know exactly what it is that draws me to medical stuff on TV.
I love it all . . . just ask Jim. He watches stuff with me and asks, "Yuck -- why do you watch this stuff??"

So, when I saw that ABC was going to have a summer reality series, Hopkins, I knew I'd love it.

And I do . . . but MAN, that show hits me hard. Because it's reality TV and I know that the people on the show are REAL . . . I can't make it through one episode without crying.

Last night's episode was particularly hard for me . . . one of the story lines followed a family with a 2 1/2 year old son that was in heart failure. The poor family had been blindsided. They had found out very suddenly that something was wrong with their boy, and before they knew what was going on, they were facing a heart transplant for the infant.

Watching the mother hear the news . . . this is a real person and NOT an actor . . . I cried. It was HARD for me to watch. I was just so heartbroken for the parents . . . I looked at their little boy and pictured Meg on the table. It was too much to take.

It was good drama . . . good TV in the producers minds, I'm sure . . . but just too much for me. Because this little boy became ill so suddenly and the family was faced with such amazing circumstances in such a short period of time . . . I pictured us in that situation. What a horrible thought. I don't even like to think about things like that. Should that really be on TV? Who can watch that without breaking down?

And -- what's more -- how do actual families deal with that?

I think my greatest fear, now that I'm a mother, is not of anything happening to ME . . . but of something happening to my girls. How do parents go on? How did this family on Hopkins make it through the 5 or 6 hour heart transplant surgery without going nuts? Without losing it completely? That is the real story. The surgery and all that it entailed was certainly magnificent, and what the family endured was nothing short of a miracle.

Man, that episode last night was just . . . ugh, too much. The good news (spoiler alert!!) is that the boy was ok . . . they showed the surgery, and all went perfectly. They showed him walking out of the hospital two weeks later. Again, I cried.

I do recommend Hopkins -- if you can take the true reality of it all. (Thursdays, 10pm, ABC)

1 comment:

The Cibulas said...

I hate medical shows and I was channel surfing last night and got sucked in too. I cried when I watched that little boy's story. What a miracle!