Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Mid Week Update

Life is not exactly busy this week . . . but it's not exactly normal this week, either.

Jim's been in Iowa since Sunday. The funeral for his grandfather was today, and the past few days leading up have been nothing short of HARD. At the viewing last night, over 300 people passed through to pay their respects. His grandparents home has been inundated with flowers and guests. Gene was a much loved man in his community, no doubt. Jim has been working on things like cleaning out Grandpa's workshop, closet, car . . . all kinds of odds & ends jobs that Grandma assigns to him. I wish I were there to help. I wish I were there to be with Jim.

His family seems to be hanging in there, really. I am impressed with how together everyone is. That must be what happens in a tragedy . . . family rallies together to make everything happen. It's very cool to sit back and watch them all take such good care of one another.

Here at home . . . well, we haven't been home. We have been at my parent's house in Newnan since Sunday morning. I have to say that life here has been kinda hard, too. A different kind of hard, of course. Not to complain -- but I miss Jim a lot. I guess that I'm realizing how much I take him for granted when he's around . . . cleaning, cooking, taking care of Meg and Kate. My family has been fantastic . . . they've been on 'Meg duty' and I've been on 'Kate duty' and all is going well. But . . . I'm exhausted. We've done nothing but hang out at my parents, and I'm more tired than I remember being in quite a while. I'm staying up late with Kate, getting up with her 3 times a night, then getting up early with Meg. Jim normally does the late night shift with Kate, maybe helps me by putting her back to sleep after a 4am feeding (sometimes -- he doesn't get credit for all the time, mind you), and helps with the breakfast chores in the morning. Without him, it's pretty tiring to do it all myself. But, I'll survive.

Friday is when we'll all be reunited. I am counting the days . . . which are passing slower and slower. Is today really only Tuesday?

Just a quick update for now . . . tomorrow we are going for doctor's appointments for both girls in the early AM . . . then back to Newnan for the rest of the week. At our morning appointments, I'm terribly anxious to see what Kate weighs on her 2 week birthday. She is quite different from Meg in the way she nurses . . . so, naturally, I think something might be wrong. And then there is the spit up issue, which has not resolved itself. If Kate's back at her 8lb birth weight, we will be on the right track. Cross your fingers for us.

Thanks again for the kind notes from everyone -- Jim really appreciates it all. He had me read them aloud to him the night before he left . . . he's very grateful for all of the support.

Hopefully my next post will be about fireworks and fun stuff that happens on Friday. Until then, have a great week . . . and try not to miss me too much ;)

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