Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fireworks! Loud!

We did a great job preparing Meg for her very first fireworks display, if I do say so myself. For the few days preceeding our nation's birthday, Jim and I told her all about the fun fireworks that we'd see. And yes, Meg, they will be LOUD.

The prep was totally worth it . . . Meg loved the fireworks -- was not scared a BIT -- and we loved our holiday together as a family.

I'd love to write about the great bbq we attended or the awesome vacation we took, but this 4th was spent right here at home. We enjoyed the quiet. We enjoyed the pool. We enjoyed the company of my parents. We enjoyed the Marietta Square 4th of July celebration, and we used it as a 'learning experience' for what to do in 4th's to come. Meg enjoyed her first sparklers -- almost too much (she touched one and had a bit of a shock!). Kate enjoyed riding in the stroller and the constant hum of people that lulled her to sleep for the several hours we were out.

It was a great day.

The only sad part: the 4th typically means that summer is half-way over. Where did half of the summer go already?

We hope that you and yours had as great of a day as we did. Happy 232nd Birthday, USA.

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