Monday, November 24, 2008

Potty Talk

On Friday, I gave Meg a bath, as I normally do each evening. And as she normally does each evening, she declared, "Meg have to potty!" in the middle of her bath.

I took her out of the tub and placed her on the toliet, getting myself and my floor soaked in the process. I've done this potty-during-bath thing so many times, it's strange when the girls get a bath and I don't get wet. Pottying in the middle of bath is either a cool thing to do (meaning Meg does it for the attention) or it's something about the water (meaning the bath must be a laxitive for my toddler).

For whatever reason, Meg had to "stinky" during Friday's bathtub potty break. She cracks me up with her grunts and her groans . . . there is no mistaking it when the kid has to poop. And on this particular occassion, she had about the biggest #2 I had ever seen come out of her tiny little body. Seriously, I felt my eyes bulge out of my head when I saw it in the toliet.

"Meg! That is the biggest "stinky" I ever saw!" I exclaimed.
"Biggest "stinky" you ever saw?" Meg asked.
"Yes! Mommy has never seen you do such a big "stinky"!!" I replied.

She giggled about it and agreed that, yes, it was the biggest "stinky" Meg had ever seen, too.

The next night, we were dining at a neighbors house. During dinner, Meg informed the group that she had to -- you guessed it -- go potty. About the only time you can guarantee that Meg will have to potty (aside from in the tub, of course) is at the dinner table.

I excused myself as I do at nearly EVERY meal these days, and I took her to the powder room. I seriously think the kid can muster up poop . . . because there we were, at a nice dinner with our neighbors, and she had to poop in their hall bath.

And you know what she asked me, when I was cleaning her up and getting us ready to return to dinner?

"Is that the biggest "stinky" you ever saw, Mommy?"

I just laughed.

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