Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Morning

Everyone up at 7am. I'm TOTALLY engorged b/c Kate is sleeping so well at night these days. Don't pump b/c it will only make it worse in the days to come . . . so shower and dress in total discomfort.

Get dressed. Eat. Feed Kate and get relief on one side. Fight with Meg about behavior.

Go to preschool for a "Mom's Breakfast" -- which is supposed to be fun. Drop Meg in the playroom, keep Kate with me. Kate fusses and cries for the first 20 minutes of the event, finally going to sleep. Try to enjoy myself, but I really only talk to the 2 moms I already know.

Pick up Meg from the playroom in an effort to get to Music Class before it starts. Kate wakes up in the process. Stop everything, sit down, and feed Kate (selifishly -- I need the relief). Leave the preschool when we should be starting Music Class.

Arrive at Music Class 10 minutes after it begins. Enjoy our last Music Class of the fall session. Meg complains of needing to use the potty -- very loudly and rudely -- as the teacher is finishing up class.

Take Meg to the Potty. She goes, re-dresses, then says she has to go again. No go the second time around.

I start to wonder if she has a UTI. She's been doing this a lot in the past few days . . . and been totally irratable. Call the doctor to schedule an appointment for this afternoon. Yeah.

And now it's time to make lunch.