Monday, November 3, 2008

Goodbye, Halloween

The calendar has turned to November, and Halloween is now behind us once again. Today, as I packed up my Halloween decor, I had to explain to my toddler why we had to put away certain items and make room for new decorations around the house.

She was glad to help -- until we came to her pumpkin and ghost bowls. These two plastic bowls, which once resided in the Target $1 bin, have been staples for cereal and snack around here over the past 31 days. Meg must have helped me load and unload those cheap little things into the dishwasher more than a dozen times in the past 2 weeks . . . so she has, clearly, become quite attached to them. They are nothing more than white plastic bowls with -- you guessed it -- a pumpkin and a ghost in the bottom of each respective bowl.

When the news hit her that those bowls were being stored away with all our other orange and black paraphernalia until next Halloween, I got a full out pouty lip . . . tightly shut eyes . . . the waiving of her hands . . . followed by some relatively fake crying and huge crocodile tears.

Oh, the life of a two year old. Her greatest tragedy of the day was losing her pumpkin and ghost bowls. She didn't even lose them. She just has to pack them away.

Notice -- I didn't say had to pack them away. As a mom, you pick your battles. It doesn't hurt her to use the bowls for a few more days, even though Halloween has come and gone. Sometime after tomorrow's breakfast, we've agreed to put away the pumpkin and ghost . . . but we'll continue to use the coordinating silverware. If you come to my house over the next few months and see some purple silverware with a 'friendly ghost' on the handles, smile, think of this blog, and know that it was NOT a battle worth fighting for me.

But before we totally pack away the holiday . . . here are a few highlights from trick or treating last Friday. Meg was fearless . . . visited each house all by herself . . . and was polite enough to say "Thank you" after nearly every treat was dropped in her bag. It was a wonderful evening. I can't wait for next year.

And yes, I've already thought of costumes for the girls for 10/31/2009.

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