Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Kate, my peanut, is 11 weeks old today. Only a couple more weeks, and I know I'm going to lose count of her age in weeks. Only a couple more weeks, and I know she's going to become a true 'baby' and no longer a newborn.

She's moving into a fun stage . . . entertaining herself and us more and more each day. She's loving her mobile and her play gym, and anything dangling in front of her is no longer safe from her bats and grabs. Kate is so smiley . . . always flashing those gums at us and making us laugh. I love every minute of the time I have with her (just her), and I love to see her interacting with Meg.

I know we all say it -- but time goes just too fast when you have little ones. I realize, of course, that it goes by just as quickly. . . you just notice it so much more with babies and kids running around. They change so fast, and no matter what, you can't stop it. I don't know how Kate is already nearly 3 months old, how her big sister is past the 2 year mark, how I've been married now for 5 years.

The passage of time is a strange thing . . . how it changes us and makes us different. My dad tells me that he feels the exact same way he did when he was about 20 years old . . . only the mirror has changed. His outlook, thoughts, ideas . . . his mind . . . all the same, but now in a 55 year old body.

I know what he means. I'm just 30, but I can say that I'm already experiencing the same feelings. I feel the same way I did when I was in college . . . just more mature and a little smarter now (at least, that's what I like to think). And the mirror, of course, reflects a different person than it did 10 years ago. It's going to be strange to feel this way when I'm 40 or 50 . . . but, it will happen. And probably way before I am ready for it.

Today, I think I'll just hang out with the girls and see if I can hold time back for a little bit. I don't want to miss out on anything . . . so I think it's time to take a break and hold on to what I've got. If only for just one day.

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