Friday, September 19, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday, Week 4

Kate Allison, Mareitta GA, September 18, 2008

My little peanut was 3 months old yesterday. Already.

For some reason, I feel like 3 months is this huge milestone for babies. I felt that way with Meg, and I felt exactly the same with Kate. I feel like, at 3 months, they move from the newborn 'bologna loaf' to a more interactive, playful baby. Whether it is or not, I find it to be a significant mark in their life as babies.

On Meg's 3 month birthday, I proudly took her to a local park and strutted around with my stroller carrying my darling little girl. I was so excited to have a baby . . . yearning for the days when I could take her to the park and let her run and play. I think Meg couldn't have cared less, but I'm sure she enjoyed sitting in that stroller and breathing in the fresh September air. Now that I have a toddler who plays at the park several times a week, I think back on that 3 month birthday and laugh. I was 'wishing away' a bit of Meg's baby-hood, wanting her to be a big girl too fast.

On Kate's 3 month birthday, we didn't make it to the park . . . but we spent the day together, just her and I, taking pictures and relishing in her baby-ness. I watched her work so hard to pick up her head and move it around while lying on her tummy. I let her fall asleep on my chest. I didn't feel the same need to take her out and display her for all to see . . . I took some time to have Kate all to myself.

I think these pictures show that -- even just 3 months into the whole '2 kid' thing -- my girls are going to grow up to be very different from one another. At 3 months, Meg was so solumn, so serious. She hadn't laughed yet, she was pretty quiet, and she was always taking everything in. Kate is so smiley, so interactive, and so wiggly at this age . . . not at all like her sister was.

Three months. Halfway to what I consider to be the next BIG milestone: Six Months.

But this time, I am in no rush.

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