Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Spitting Up

Kate spits up. A LOT.

Yesterday, Jim and I were changing our bed sheets at 5:45am because she had wretched all over our bed. This is NOT the first time this has happened. . . and we even have taken to placing a towel under us during in-the-bed feedings. This morning, I fed her practically sitting straight up in her rocking chair, and we had no issues. I thought yesterday was an isolated incident.

Then this afternoon during lunch, she brought back up SO much of what she had just eaten 30 minutes earlier. All over herself and her bouncy chair.

I cried.

I hate it. I hate it because I don't know what's causing it. I don't know if it bothers her. I'm guessing it doesn't, based on the big smiles I was getting from her while cleaning her up earlier today. But who doesn't mind throwing up? I also hate it because I never know when it will happen . . . sometimes she's like an erupting volcano, and most of the time nothing comes up at all.

I've already limited my dairy . . . drastically. Soy creamer in my coffee, 'tofutti' sour cream on my baked potatoes. But last night I did enjoy a bowl of ice cream (no added sugar, only 2 points on WW!), and I think that must have been what did it because nothing else seems to trigger the spitting up episodes. So, that means even less dairy for me . . . and definitely no more ice cream. I'm certainly not at the stage where I'm considering formula . . . I don't think our issue is that drastic just yet. I'm at the stage where I'm trying to do what it takes to make it through this without so many incidents.

I'm all upset about the spitting up. I wish I knew when it will stop so she (and I) wouldn't be so miserable. Instead, I'll continue to hold her like a ticking time bomb after each feeding and hope that this isn't the time she's going to do it.

Poor Katy-did.


Becky said...

Has the ped talked about putting her on something like baby Zantac for reflux? That may counter the spitting up and still allow the continuation of breastfeeding.

Poor little girl :(

Heather Dahlby said...

They've said it's most likley not refulx because she's not showing other problems . . . she's gaining weight fine . . . not fussy after meals . . . only spits up on occassion, not every time. They have warned me about dairy again and again, but that's the only suggestion they have!

Becky said...

GAH that sucks! Off to search for yummy dairy free treats for you :)

Keisha said...

Girlfriend, I've been there. Kendall was fed on a receiving blanket, not a burp cloth, for 10 months. And she spit up EVERY TIME. No matter what. I wish I knew what to tell you ... if she's not hurting, then just try not to worry about it. I know that doesn't help, hunh?!

Twinkletoes said...

I agree with the ped. about the reflux if she's not "in pain" so to speak. Do not give up bfeeding unless you really want/need to. Definitely not for spitting up issues. With my son, I finally determined that he would spit up (like you are explaining) if I ate anything tomato based - from pasta with sauce to ketchup with fries. I figured it out by writing everything I was eating - and then noticed the pattern. Then with my daughter she would get BRIGHT red diaper rashes. Oddly enough - it was from tomato things too. Still at two, if she eats pizza, she will get red (just not as much b/c she is potty trained now). You just never know what it could be, but it might not be the dairy. Either way, GOOD LUCK!