Friday, September 5, 2008

Favorite Photo Friday, Week 2

Meg Dahlby, Marietta GA, August 22, 2007

This is one of those that I took, looked at in the camera viewfinder, and thought: Priceless. Perfect. Frame-able.

And pretty much ever since the day it was taken, this picture has been hanging in our upstairs hallway. I see it every morning on my way to get Meg out of bed, every time I do my laundry, each time I visit Kate in her room. I will probably never take it down (even at this stage where I do need to remove some photos of Meg to make room for Kate!).

It represents a lot to me. It was taken 5 days after losing Baby #2, and I always remember how I was feeling at that time. I remember how smiley she was that afternoon . . . how lucky I felt to have her . . . and that this was taken while she was sitting in her highchair eating lunch. Her little teeth poking through on the bottom . . . I remember wondering if she'd ever get any more down there!

Just a sweet photo full of precious memories for me. A favorite, for sure.

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