Monday, September 8, 2008

My Dirty Little Secret

Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop CS2, to be exact. That's my secret. I could not live without it.

Granted, my camera is fantastic -- and yes, I know how to use nearly all of the features. I have learned a lot about cameras and photography, so NO, I don't shoot on auto. I also must admit that I have a knack when it comes to capturing great shots of kids and their families, and composition is very important when it comes to good photos. And DANG if Photoshop isn't the hardest program in the world to figure out! So, I can't give my PC all the credit for my work. I work very hard, too.

But, OH, the wonders that Photoshop can do!


SOOC -- lingo for "Straight Out of the Camera" -- the image exactly as I captured it.

Version #1 -- just a boost of color in photoshop

Version #2 -- Meg, vintage style (seems this is very popular in photography these days!)

Version #3 -- The BW -- I take every shot in color and turn to bw. And I've learned, there is a significant difference between a GOOD bw and a not-so-good bw.

Another example:

The result is just amazing. Like I said -- it's not everything to digital photography -- but, man, it sure does help.

And now you know my dirty little secret.


Tiffany Payment said...

Love your's mine too!

Meg looks lovely! Like such a big girl already too.

Keisha said...

Gorgeous pics. You must do some for me sometime!! We have the most beautiful subjects, afte all!

Becky said...

Fabulous! She looks like such a little girl -- not more "baby Meg".

Twinkletoes said...

I need to learn Photoshop. I bought PaintShopPro thinking it was the same - but not quite.