Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Let's Talk Politics

Only a few people know that I -- Ms. Saleswoman, turned 3rd grade teacher, turned photographer -- started out my career at the University of Georgia as a Political Science major. It's true. I was accepted to UGA with the intention of studying political science . . . what I was going to do with that degree, I didn't know at the age of 18. That question alone may have been why I decided to change to a Marketing major. I changed my major during freshman orientation . . and the rest, as they say, is history.

During this time of politics -- a no-incumbent election year that is quite exciting and full of new experiencing for Americans -- I find myself drifting back to my days of political interest. I used to love this stuff. I volunteered for Zell Miller's governor's campaign while in high school, and I begged my parents to put a "Mike Yeager for Sheriff" sign in our yard at the age of 16. Of course, back in those days, my OWN money and my OWN family were not what kept me interested in politics . . . I didn't have either. I just enjoyed the campaigning, the issue discussion, and the excitement of it all. I loved government and all that it entailed.

Now, when I say 'I love government', please do not mistake me for a Democrat. I will admit wholeheartedly that I am a Republican. Pin the red/white/blue elephant on my chest, and I'll wear it with pride. I cried like a baby during Regan's funeral -- hell, my cat is named Reagan (and that was not by chance). Do I agree with everything on a Republican ticket? Of course not. By by and large, my beliefs are shared by the Republican community.

All year long, I've watched the news and not been too psyched about who the Republicans had selected for the 2008 presidential nomination. John McCain, bless his VFW heart, just didn't relate to me . . . I couldn't find anything to get excited about. I figured that I probably agreed with some of his thoughts (since we are of the same political party), and I like that he has many more years of experience than his competitor . . . but I wasn't really 'into' the whole political thing. I probably would have just voted Republican and hoped for the best.

Then I saw Sarah Palin speak last week at the Republican National Convention.

Now I want a "McCain/Palin" T Shirt.

Something about her addition to the McCain ticket calls out to me. I can relate to her. She seems so down-to-earth, so real . . . and she's a mom just like me. I feel that someone like her in the White House does represent my vote, which was what I did NOT feel when it was just a John McCain ticket. I have things in common with Sarah Palin. That makes her a little less of a politician and a little more of a real person in my eyes. That's what I'd like in the White House . . . a real person that represents real Americans. Not somebody who is showboating or making a Hollywood extravaganza out of the political race. Just a regular old mom, and that's what Sarah Palin is to me. Someone who started out in this whole political arena by joining the PTA.

I respect her. For what she's done, for what she wants to do. I look up to her and think, "Wow. If she can do that, I could, too." I have really taken a liking to Ms. Palin and all that she has to offer to our country.

I know -- if I vote McCain/Palin, I'm voting for MCCAIN as President. Although he may be really old, he will still be our President for the next 4 years . . . not his running mate. Because I now want to vote for McCain so adamantly, I have spent a better part of today's precious computer time reading the McCain website and understanding his stance on the important issues this election holds. If I'm going to start supporting Palin, I gotta support McCain, too. I've read about healthcare, about his stand on taxes, energy . . . the important things in our country right now . . . and I find that I agree with much of what he has to say. I would not say that I agree with all of it -- even though the voice shouting "Vote for Palin!" inside of me would like me to. Even though I may not 100% agree, at least I have educated myself enough to know that a vote for McCain (and Palin!) is a vote for many of my own beliefs.

I probably never would have even taken any time to get to know these issues, had it not been for my love of Palin. She's done a lot for John McCain . . . I imagine I'm not the only one out there saying, "Hey, she's pretty cool . . . now what do they stand for as a President/VP team?" I'm not the only mom out there that wants to vote for Sarah with some knowledge behind my vote. And having someone like her to generate interest in the Republican side of this presidental race is exactly what the party intended -- and desperately needed, quite honestly. Well done (as usual), Republicans.

Now I think I'm ready for my T Shirt. Yes, I should educate myself on what Obama stands for -- just so I can defend myself if I'm harrassed when wearing a shirt that makes such a statement. I'll find time to learn a bit more about the competition as the race continues over the next two months. But for now, I'll just order my shirt and keep checking the McCain site to see of Palin is coming to Georgia any time soon.

Oh yeah, and I wonder . . . do you think Hillary is worried about her 2012 campain? Two women running for President . . . now that would be interesting.


The Fokens Family said...

I'm with ya girl! I went to the square to get a McCain/Palin sign for our yard, but they are not printed yet...only McCain For President so far.
Sarah rocks...I actually stayed up late for her speech!

Becky said...

If they come to town, I'll go with you. After all, I just put my bumper sticker on last night.

The Cibulas said...

I am so bummed that I missed her speech. Our cable wasnt set up at the new house yet. Clay and I were both so anxious to see it. I was going to check for it online until my life took a little turn;) However, its great to hear a fellow republican/mom's view on the whole thing. Im so excited now. Ive got to get a sign...maybe Ill go with Erica. Let me know when you order your tee j/k!

Anne said...

AWESOME!!!! I am right there as well!!! I am not a huge McCain fan but, he is the better choice - I always vote republican anyway. I think Palin is GREAT! Rich and I are always talking about it - Politics are big in this house - Hopefully they will save the airlines if this fuel things gets worse - he isn't a big fan of airline pilots and flight attendants -

Anonymous said...

We just rocked our mostly liberal intown neighborhood with a huge MCCain sign in our front yard!!! I think we even have neighbors that may never talk to us again:) Oh well- It's so much fun! Go John and Sarah!!!

Anonymous said...

We just rocked our very liberal, intown neighborhood by displaying our huge Mccain sign in our front yard and on our cars! I think we even have neighbors that may never speak to us again! Oh well:)! GO MCCAIN/PALIN!