Monday, May 5, 2008

WOOOooosssshhhh . . . .

That's what our weekend was like. It went from Friday afternoon to this morning in one big wave . . . wooossshhhh. I think I missed some of it, really.

When Jim woke me up to kiss me goodbye this weekend, he said something like, "I had a great weekend."

My (sleepy) response was, "It went by too fast . . . is it Monday morning already?"

I have mixed emotions about these kinds of weekends. Part of me loves the hustle and bustle, the fun, the accomplishments (we did get a lot done), the busy-ness of a jam packed 48 hours. But a bigger part of me hates too-busy-weekends . . . I don't get to see much of Jim in our 2 days together, and Meg sometimes gets drug around from event to event or errand to errand.

Hopefully, next weekend won't be quite as crazy. It's Mothers Day, so does that mean I get to be the one to call the shots and make us slow down for a change?

Hope everyone out there had a great weekend . . . be it busy or lazy. Either is a great way to spend some time OFF from the regular routine, so I won't complain.

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