Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pack Your Bags

This is what Dr Graham told me today.

I left his office elated, excited, and extremely anxious.

I'm walking around right now, 3 cm dialated. That's how far I was when I GOT to the hospital to have Meg . . . after about 5 1/2 hours of laboring at home. Dr Graham said that Kate is head down, ready to go. He asked when Jim was coming home. He told me his on-call hours for the next week.

Dude, the man did everything but tell me that I'm going to have this baby before I see him again next Thursday.

As a matter of fact, as he left the room, he said something like, "See you in a week . . . or before that, really . . ."

So, I called Jim (in Cincinnatti). He proceeded to freak out ever so slightly.
I called my parents. They discussed coming up to stay with me tonight, since Jim is on his last night out of town.
I called Jim's mom . . . who was about the last person still holding on to the idea that I have a month left in this pregnancy. She's boarded the ship "S.S. Early Arrival" and is waiting by the phone like the other passengers.

Now I have everyone on alert. Now when I call just about anyone, they answer the phone in alarm. I have to start my conversations with, "No, I'm not in labor . . ." I have to be cognisant of the time of day that I'm contacting people . . . for instance, I just called my dad (at 10pm) and both of my parents answered the phone. Like I said, on alert.

In other news of the day . . .

Before my exciting doctor's appointment this afternoon, Meg and I had a very exciting morning. A fellow photographer friend came and did a mini-photo shoot for me . . . maternity and mommy&meg photos. Really, what I wanted were just a few of Meg and I together . . . the first shots of me with my 2 girls. I wanted to have a memory of the excitement she and I have shared while waiting for the arrival of her little sister.

Karen did a great job. Meg was really not in the mood . . . who is when they wake up at 6:30am? Of course she picks TODAY to get up obnoxiously early! We made it work. Karen made it work, I should say . . .

Karen is my relief pitcher . . . the one I'm sending my business to while I'm on maternity leave. You'd love her -- -- visit her site!

Enjoy the weekend . . . we are going to a wedding that I'm VERY much looking forward to, so I'm planning to keep my legs crossed at least through that event. Kate is welcome to arrive on Sunday or later.


Tiffany Payment said...

My friend Lori just had a happy, healthy, 9lb baby boy yesterday! I am just as anxius to hear about Kate's arrival soon! If I notice you missing for a few days my heart does flips! lol

Prayers for Kate's safe arrival and a healthy mommy are being said!


The Fokens Family said...

OMG..LOVE those pics...It made me all excited too. Sharing in your joy!!

Becky said...

That first picture is priceless. You look completely content.

Waiting for Kate's debut!!