Friday, May 23, 2008

More Video of a Talking Meg

I keep the video camera on 'stand by' these days . . . you never know what cute thing Meg is going to say or do.

This morning, Jim (aka Daddy) asked Meg to sing the 'boat song' she'd made up in the bathtub last night. As soon as she started, a huge smile spread across my face and I ran for the camera . . .

First of all, it's adorable that she's making up songs! I sound like a gushy mom, but I don't care. It IS cute. Second, I love that she and Jim had time together to do silly things in the tub, like make up songs. Father/Daughter moments are priceless.

And then . . . since I had the camera rolling . . . I had to ask Meg to show off some of her most recent discoveries.

Seriously?! I thought kids were at LEAST two -- maybe even three -- before they started calling their parents by their names! She's been doing it all week. It actually started last week, when everyone was in town and calling one another by name a lot more than she is used to. When it's just Jim and I, I think we call each other Mommy and Daddy most of the time. But, with the family in town, names were flying . . . and Meg picked up on it very quickly. She even pointed to a family photo of us this week and started chanting "Jim! Jim! Jim!" Pretty smart kid, if I do say so myself.

As long as she knows my name is Heather but she calls me Mommy, it's fine with me. I waited a long time and I've worked very hard for that title.

The first-name/last-name thing also started this weekend . . . she's such a verbal sponge right now, we just told her about her two names, and she ran with it. She's like that with about anything . . . she'll repeat any word you suggest (including profanities -- yes, we've gone there).

Anyway, just a Friday video post to make you smile.

Happy Long Weekend Everyone! Kate is keeping us in town . . . no beach trip or anything . . . but we are looking forward to some time at the neighborhood pool with friends. Hope you are looking forward to a great weekend with your family and friends as well.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Just when you think that she can't dial up the cuteness factor any more, she come out with "Dahlby" in that sssssssssooooooooo sweet tone! You just want to squeeze her.

Have a great, relaxing weekend, Dahlby family!