Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Wagon

I know, I know . . . I fell off the wagon. It's been nearly a week -- and I gave no warning that I'd be skipping so many days. Sorry to the pair of you who might read faithfully . . . I'm back, I promise.

Last week was much like the weekend that proceeded it . . . really, really fast. Jim's mom was in town at the beginning of the week, we went to Newnan to celebrate my mom's birthday on Tuesday, DirecTV attempted to set up the massive TV Jim bought for the media room (which meant I sat home all afternoon one day), we argued with the basement contractor on and off about getting work done quicker, and I had a shoot while Meg was in school on Friday.

I just lost track of time.

And, honestly, I couldn't think of much to post about. I had nothing except Meg, pregnancy, photography, or basement stuff to write about . . . and I just figured some of those topics were getting old.

Actually, I think that a lot, lately . . . that I don't have much to talk about aside from my kid(s) and our house. I'm starting to think I'm really very boring. When we go to out with friends, I feel like my input in the general conversation is far from interesting . . . like, "Who cares if Meg remembers restaurants based on the fact that they have candy in the lobby?" or "Yes, pregnancy must be hard with Jim traveling . . . " I find myself NOT talking or taking part in the conversation because I don't want to sound like one of those women . . . the ones that talk about their kids incessantly. The kind of woman who couples talk about on they way home . . . "Man, does she have ANYTHING to talk about besides Meg? Gosh, I know her kid is cute, but I'm tired of hearing about every little detail . . . . " You know exactly what I'm talking about.

I think I'm starting to feel a bit TOO much like a housewife. Mundane. Boring. Stuck.

But I don't genuinely feel that way. I'm extremely happy with the life I have. It's truly exactly what I wanted for myself . . . to stay home, raise a family, and love my husband. But, I guess that the reality of it all is a bit boring and mundane at times.

But, isn't everyone's life like that at least sometimes?
Anyway . . . I digress . . .

I'm going to be better about posting . . . even if it IS just about Meg, Kate, the house, or my photography business. I guess that's all I've got right now. What do you expect? I'm 34 weeks pregnant this week . . . you are lucky I remember that I have a blog to post to.

Here's to the second week in May . . . may it be a little less crazy that the first (don't count on it) and may I find something interesting to write about.

Oh -- and on the topic of kids and motherhood -- I did have a fabulous 2nd Mother's Day today. Jim and Meg made me breakfast in bed, we did odd jobs around here that I've wanted to do for weeks, and we went out to lunch as a family. Jim picked out a rockin' diaper bag (2 red hens -- see photo) for me . . . one that I'd mentioned I wanted and he picked out on his own. He also totally surprised me with a navigation system for my car . . . which we played with all afternoon while driving to lunch and post-lunch errands.

Happy Mother's Day to all of my mommy friends out there who don't MIND my excessive Meg-chatter and like hearing about my pregnancy. Love to you all . . . and I hope you had a great day with your families.

1 comment:

The Fokens Family said...

Happy Mother's Day to of two!!