Thursday, December 6, 2007

Just an Update to Yesterday's Post . . .

This morning, as I was carrying my sweet bundle down the stairs for breakfast . . . all cozy warm from sleep and still smelling so fresh from her bath the night before . . . she busted out waiving and saying a very clear and definite, "Hi!!" to our kitties. She said it a few times -- and even repeated it when prompted.

Meg said "Hi" off and on all day. "Baaa" . . . or her version of Bye . . . also found it's way into her conversation at Target and at the Post Office this afternoon.

See, she's getting there.

1 comment:

Becky said...

Trust me, once she starts she won't stop! I always found (still do, actually) that right before Jackson made a huge explosion of words that he slept a lot. Longer naps, better night sleep -- like his brain was gearing up to bust out new tricks.

She's just proving she's an independent little miss with her own pace to life :)