Thursday, July 23, 2009

What day is it?

Is it Thursday?

After two weeks of back and forth from Newnan to Marietta and all the stuff in between, I've totally lost track of time. I don't even know what the date is today, and that is the 100% truth. Two weeks has flown by, and I really don't know what I've done in the last 14 days.

Well, I went to my mom's funeral. I packed up a lot of garbage at my parent's house. I took a day off and went to the pool with my girls. Jim came home and left again. We've eaten a lot of casseroles (GLADLY -- so many have been SO generous). I spent one evening with old friends in Newnan. Kate starting saying 'ball' and 'ma ma' . . . Meg starting saying, "No!" to simple requests more often than I'd like. Life has just gone on. It has not stopped.

In the midst of all of it . . . of living one day at a time, literally . . . I've lost track of what day it is. But I know today is Thursday. Tomorrow means Friday and back home to Marietta; Sunday will bring us back to Newnan. Then back home Monday. Hopefully, that will be the end of the back-and-forth . . . but the idea of leaving my dad all alone for more than a few nights is still very hard for me.

Okay, so it's Thursday. That means I should do 'Favorite Photo Friday' tomorrow, I suppose . . .

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