Thursday, March 26, 2009


They come and they go . . . and in the house of a young family like ours, they come and they go on (what seems to be) a daily basis.

Meg is doing things now that constantly make me think, "Are you OLD enough to be able to do that?" Going potty by herself, putting her shoes on and tying the laces, returning her dirty dinner plate to the sink, unbuckling her car seat (only when she is supposed to, thank goodness), putting her straw in her juice box, picking out her clothing . . . countless things that force me to realize what a big kid she is becoming. I can't believe it.

And Kate . . . her milestones are flying by. She's already NINE months old. As the second baby, I've experienced a lot of her milestones before . . . but it's just as much fun the second time around, trust me. I discovered her sitting up in her bed for the first time this week, and I remember what a BIG deal that was when it happened for Meg. I made a big deal out of it this time, too. Though-- I will admit -- the second time around, some of the baby milestones make me a little sad. I'm happy for her accomplishments, but they make Kate a little less baby and a little more big girl. I'm not ready!

Kate's latest milestone -- crawling -- is one that she gets to claim all for her own. I never reached that milestone with Meg as a baby. A lot of the things Kate is doing get constantly compared to Meg, but not crawling. She's got that all to herself -- no comparisons at all.

I'm really enjoying having a little crawler around here. It forces me to vacuum a bit more often, but it's worth it to watch her make her little way around the house. What a sweet time this is for Little Kate.

I love this young stage our family is in right now. These milestones are so precious, so once-in-a-lifetime, so life changing. Soon these days will pass, and they will never return. *Sigh* I'm cherishing it today. It's a great time to be a mom.

And -- by they way -- Meg really isn't tying her shoes. Dude, the kid isn't even 3. I was just wondering who was really reading this stuff. HaHaHa . . . 'April Fools' a few days early :)


The Cibulas said...

So cute ! Congrats Kate! And yes, I did gasp when I read the shoe tying thing. Wow! I thought,half of my Kindergarteners couldn't even do that. I was feeling some pressure for J!

Tiffany Payment said...

I cried through that entire video! It all happens so fast!

Keisha said...

I just stopped reading to order the book on how to teach your child to tie her shoes. You trickster!! Shame on you --