Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Couple of Meg-isms

Upon opening Meg's door to greet her after an afternoon nap . . . .

Meg: "Mommy, I pulled some boogers out of my nose after I taked my nap."

Me: "Ewww . . . Meeeegggg. We've talked about that. That's so yucky."

Meg: "They were big ones."

Me: (eyes rolling) "Well, what did you do with them? You took them out of your nose?"

Meg: "Yeah, and I wiped them on my sheets."


While playing on the swing set, Meg and Kate bumped heads. Meg was attempting to push her baby sister in her baby swing, but she didn't get the timing quite right . . .

After some crying from both girls, I took Kate out of the swing to console her. Naturally, Meg wanted her to go right back in the swing so she could attempt to push her again.

Me: "In a minute Meg, Kate wants me to hold her for a minute."

Meg: "Why?"

Me: "She's upset. Doesn't it feel nice when you can sit in Mommy's lap for a minute when you are upset?"

Meg: "Yeah . . ."

a moment of thought passes . . .

Meg: "How about next time you and Kate bump heads, you can come sit in my lap Mommy?"

Yes, Meg. I'll sit in your lap anytime.


Anonymous said...

Awwwww, so sweet!

The Cibulas said...

too cute!