Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Kate is Crawling!

Now this I've never had to deal with before . . . a crawler.

Meg walked before she crawled. Before walking, she kinda scooted on her butt a bit . . . or she just would somehow wriggle and work her way toward whatever it was she needed while in a sitting up position. But she never crawled. As a matter of fact, it became a bit of a problem when she was playing on playgrounds in the early toddler days . . . she didn't know how to crawl through tunnels until sometime well after her first birthday.

But Kate . . . we've known for a while that she would crawl. She's just a totally different kid when it comes to (everything) the way she plays on the floor. The army crawl really kicked in last weekend, and within days she's become very good at it.

Then tonight, after bath but before bed, I caught her . . . up on all fours and clumsily putting one hand in front of the other. Shaking and not very sturdy, she crawled just a few paces before collapsing onto her tummy and dragging herself by her arms. I picked her up, reset her in a sitting position, and tried to entice her to do it again by putting a hairbrush out of her reach. She tried even harder the second time.

GAME OVER here. Now I have two mobile children.


The Fokens Family said...

This is a challenging but FUN stage! I just love seeing babies putting one hand out in front of the other.... moving right along!

danabana said...

Aaaw. They grow up so fast! Good luck :-)

The Cibulas said...

Go Kate! Fun,Fun,Fun for Mommy!