Saturday, January 10, 2009


Not having a great Saturday.

Accidentally stood up a client this morning. Not quite an accident . . . but totally my fault, just the same. When I got the "Are you coming?" call this morning, I felt horrible. Pit-in-your-stomach kind of horrible.

It appears that I can no longer drink at all. I have been getting headaches from wine lately, no matter how little I might drink. So last night I decided to have a couple of beers at dinner with some friends . . . avoiding wine and the possiblity of waking up feeling bad. Didn't work. I woke up with a headache. Blast. I guess I'm just meant to stay sober . . . or deal with the crappy hangover feeling the day after.

Got some sad news from a good friend. Life is not fair, and I am thinking about her all day.

Tonight we are going out to dinner -- just Jim and I -- so I'm hoping to turn things around with a little night out. And tomorrow is my birthday . . . fun lunch plans with family on the schedule . . . so hopefully I'll wake up to a better Sunday!


The Fokens Family said...

The big 3-1? How much fun...It CAN'T be that we just celebrated a year ago?? Time flies. Happy Birthday friend!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Heather!! Have a fun and drink-free day! :-)

Twinkletoes said...

Happy birthday!