Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Day in History

I know. I know. Today is an historical day. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I already turned off the TV for the day. I just can't take it. Yes, I'm a very sore loser.

I'm just hoping and praying that this guy does some of the things -- brings some of the change -- that he's promised to so many that are bowing at his feet. And if not, you people that voted for him better get ready for a BIG "I Told You So!"

In other news, Meg stayed home sick from school today . . . just a cold. Tylenol masks her crummies, but every 4-ish hours she becomes pouty and whiney. Gotta love the Tylenol high.

Kate had her 2nd flu shot this morning, and I convinced the nurse to weigh her -- just for fun. 15 lbs, 8 oz. Holy Moly! We have a big 'un here! That's a 2+ pound gain in just one month's time. Hooray for the calories in rice ceral and veggies!!

Ahh, the life.

Happy Obama Day. :(


Anonymous said...

I'm with you on the whole Obama thing. Everybody is acting like he's the Messiah and will solve all the problems. I guess time will tell. I do wish him luck -- he is going to need it.

Keisha said...

Yeah, I felt like I was watching the inauguration parade for ... 4 hours? Oh, wait, I WAS! Now the news is on and they're showing it again! I will say this -- I bet it feels really good to be Barak Hussein Obama today!

The Cibulas said...

So with you...I went on a TV hiatus today too!